What can I fix?
Just me. That doesn't seem like a very satisfying answer on the surface, but I know it's the truth. I may have many ideas of how to make things better for other people and their circumstances (or my own, for that matter!), but I must be honest with myself first about my true capabilities and motivations for doing so. Am I truly qualified to advise anyone else on a given matter? OK, sometimes, the answer may be "yes", but surely not as often as I'd like to think ;)
It's sometimes difficult for me to share my own experience, strength, and hope (ESH) without morphing my delivery into some kind of a "here's what I think you should do" or a "here's where you are going wrong" proffering. Or sometimes I'm in an excited hurry to share my ESH because I've already judged the situation/person without first being a patient & effective listener. It is quite frustrating when I realize that I am lapsing into such behaviors.
The Good Lord knows I still (and always will) have plenty of work to do with regard to my own personal house-cleaning, so I must always bear in mind my own limitations & boundaries. What so often starts simply as innocent enthusiasm can be swiftly overtaken by more grandiose motivations. This definitely defeats any initial well-intentioned purpose, and can (in fact) be damaging in the end.
My Program continues to grow me into a better person, and I must willingly allow that steady progress to take it's natural course, even if I think it's slow at times. I must be present. Present in the proper place of my recovery journey. Present in the here & now. Present for my friends and loved ones. Present in the conversation or task at hand. Not fast-forwarding, not stepped away because I've already made judgment, not worried or distracted with unrelated concerns, not taken in by opportunities for self-grandeur.
Presence. Uncluttered, honest, sincere presence.
A work in progress...
Now playing: amy winehouse - back to black