Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh yeah, my blog...

I've been off the bloggin' train lately. No particular reason, just haven't been up to it.

Like all of you out there in Bloggersphere, I'm having a busy time of year. Updates follow in no particular order...

I'll be hosting Christmas Eve for my family at my new (I still call it "new", ha!) house. I think it will be great - everyone is planning to at least make an appearance, so it'll be wonderful to see all of the gang. It's been quite a while since we've all been together.

I'm excited for my new job to start in a week. For several reasons, I know it's going to be busy right from the start, but that's how I like it - nothing like jumping right in.

I've had a falling out with Verizon, and have finally jumped on the iPhone bandwagon. Wow - this thing may very well be The. Coolest. Thing. Ever. I've been waiting for the iPhone to go 3G and be opened up to 3rd-party apps, and Apple definitely has a winner with this thing. AT&T's coverage quality here isn't as impressive as Verizon's, but it is most definitely good enough. One of my favorite apps thus far is from good ol' MPR - all three stations seamlessly streamed? Sweeeet.

My new pet peeve is folks who disregard the Snow Emergency parking rules. C'mon, people - it's not rocket science to figure out where to park. To the juliet alpha with the POS Kia who parked in exactly the right spot to maximize plow overflow spewage into my front walk: Thanks for nothing. Next time I'm shoveling all of that snow on top of your car.

I'm heading back to The Porkies next weekend to meet my brother and his family there. I'm excited - the weather sounds like it will cooperate. I'm sure it will be a blast. Note to self: wax the board.

My recent reads include "Pride and Prejudice" and Irving's "The Fourth Hand". I'm a big Irving fan, and hadn't read that one in a while. I hadn't read P&P since high-school, and I enjoyed it much more this time around. Fantastic story. Next is more C.S. Lewis (thanks R!) with "Mere Christianity". I finished Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters" a while back, and was completely smitten with it. If you've never read it, it's well worth your time. It's a new all-time fave of mine...

I have so much to be thankful for this Holiday season - a loving & supportive family, wonderful friends near & far, a very promising new job, a cozy home of my own, a dependable car, and - most importantly - my sobriety. When I think back to what a complete mess I was just 3 short years ago, none of these things that I enjoy today seemed possible or within reach. By God's grace, sobriety has given my life back to me, and I'm determined to humbly make the most of it, taking nothing for granted. I know this is just the beginning of great new things for me, and I am ever grateful for this second chance at life.

Stay warm, park smart ;), and have a very Merry Christmas and Holiday season!
Now playing: chuck berry - run rudolph run

Friday, November 28, 2008


I was hired for the training job I've been after, so I am a happy camper! As the interview process went on (and on and on!), I was pleasantly surprised to make it to each new level, and I finally was presented with the offer. What a blessing - I think this will be a great fit for me, and I'm very much looking forward to getting started. This job was been freed up from our current hiring freeze, and I'll be starting after Christmas.

I came very close to not applying for this job at all, because I didn't think I had enough Bank experience for it. But experience is a relative thing - my lack of experience with The Bank is rather unimportant compared to the wealth of experience I have from the USAF as an instructor and training program developer. Those strengths are what got this job for me, and I'm very grateful!

When I first started submitted my app for this job, I blogged about a former mentor's quote: If you never ask the question, the answer is always 'No'. Indeed! As the interview process progressed, I believed more & more that this was a good fit for me, and I fought hard to get it. I'm very happy that it worked out - I'm excited to join this new team!
Now playing: st etienne - join our club

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Things I learned today:

1.) ALWAYS check to make sure power is removed/unplugged before you touch an electrical circuit. Fortunately, my socket wrench & the thermal fuse took the brunt of that volt attack.

2.) Apparently, simply taping together electrical connections that routinely see 20+ amp flow is not a good idea. The repair man gave me a ...errr... I'll call it a disappointed look when he saw my handiwork with that. He was a great guy though, and I appreciate that he was willing to nicely explain some basic electrical stuff to me.

3.) My plain-jane dryer is a time-tested, well-respected, and extremely durable Kenmore-branded Whirlpool model (it's been through a lot!). But Energy Star compliant, it ain't. During parts of its cycle, it draws as much power as my central air conditioning unit. Yikes.

4.) Calling in a pro may hurt the ol' pride and pocketbook a little bit, but peace of mind is priceless ;)
Now playing: peter gabriel - shock the monkey

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Good day!

Whew - I made it through everything today fine!

My webinar presentation (for my interview) went very well, IMHO. It was well received, so that's encouraging. If I make the cut as one of the final two contestants, I will have to do one more interview with a boss higher up the chain, but I won't know either way until next week. I'm just happy today's presentation went well; this has been a most educational & helpful interviewing experience so far. What happens next is in God's hands...

The tree is finally GONE! Wow - there is a lot of sawdust all over my yard. And my neighbor's yard. Oh well, better some sawdust than a busted dead tree smashing through their roof ;)

The dentist appointment also went well - no repair work there needed at this time. Woot!

Tomorrow, the dryer repair guru comes. Hopefully that goes well too!

I'm looking forward to some time off now to clean up the yard, and get some stuff done around the house. Nice!
Now playing: new order - world in motion

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thug squirrel pic

Yes, that is pepperoni pizza he's eating. Apparently, he's evolved up from simple acorns, to tortillas, and now pizza. He's getting crazy fat these days. Winter's a-comin'!
Now playing: the dust bros - stealing fat

Busy week

...but a great week.

Next Weds, I have the final interview for the training development job I'm pursuing. I have to create and present a topic via webinar. It will be challenging since I don't use those collaboration software tools in my current job. I'm excited though - I'm confident that I will do well (as long as the software cooperates!) We are still on a hiring freeze, and it could well be that this job opportunity gets yanked at some point due to all of that, but this is all still welcome experience for me - I'll take what I can get!

I've been blessed to have another experience this week that has renewed & refreshed my outlook on relationships. This particular experience would be difficult to capture in a blog post, so I won't tackle that... I'll just say that it's beautiful to have an affirming, kind, and mutually respectful relationship where the give-and-take between each other is genuinely beneficial and equal in reward.

I suppose that doesn't seem like a lot to ask or expect (from either friends or potential significant others), but it seems so hard to find these days!

We are at different stages of our lives in many areas, and primarily because of those things, we had agreed up front what the expectations were. Our friendship began not out of the potential to 'get together', but instead to simply to be kind and affirming to one another at a time when we both needed it (and who doesn't? :) Everything was plainly out on the table from the start, with no pretense or posturing whatsoever. How refreshing that is!

It's amazing how quickly you can truly get to know someone when the silly fluff, wasteful posturing, and dodgy gamesmanship of mainstream gettin'-to-know-ya is bypassed. It's easy to get stuck or lost in those things and either not even realize it, or convince yourself that you are somehow further along (been there, done that!)

Our brief correspondence has evolved over the week to different level (hard to explain), and we won't communicate as much going forward now, and that's both OK and appropriate. This experience has been a valuable re-centering for me, and I am blessed and grateful for it.

I will certainly approach future relationship opportunities in a new manner!

A work in progress...
Now playing: beck - where it's at

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day

... to all my uniform-wearin' bros and sisses out there (past & present). Thank you for your service to our great nation!
Now playing: dos gringos - the legend of shaved dog's ass

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Laziest. Weekend. Ever.

And I'm lovin' it.

I do miss last weekend's lovely weather though - this is quite a change! What I dislike most about wintertime running is trying to figure out how to dress for it. I own a respectable spectrum of cold-weather training gear, but it's hard to know what the right combo is on any given day. Meh, if that's my biggest gripe right now, I'm doing OK ;)

Thug Squirrel and his posse must be getting holed up for the winter. Yesterday, he apparently found a stash of tortillas in the neighbor's trash. He came running across the street 3 times with a big 10" tortilla in his mouth. It was funny to watch, because he couldn't run well or even see with it - he kept tripping over it dashing across the street, and then he twice bonked into my handrail trying to run up my front steps (he always takes the steps when invading my yard - it's rather strange!). But he wasn't letting go of them for anything. On his last trip, I chased him around the front yard a little bit just to hassle him, and he would not drop that thing despite being in a panic. Crazy squirrel.

I now have a date set for the tree coming down, so that'll be good to have done. I'm hoping it's a little warmer that week - I've taken a couple of days off work to do one final yard cleanup & gutter clearing after the tree is gone.

I fully resigned my USAF commission this week, and I am now 100% out of the military - no more oddball 'Reserve' status or anything like that. Although I was never really worried about getting called back up for anything, it's certainly a nice feeling to have all of those cords finally cut for good!

No news on any job stuff, but I don't expect to have any soon. Across the board, we are on a hiring freeze right now (lots of reasons), so I think I'll stay where I'm at for the foreseeable future. And that's fine - I'll just continue to keep my eyes open for opportunities.

Stay warm!
Now playing: social distortion - cold feelings

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This is a bummer of a run. I'll keep my run-related whining in check now...

Tonight was a great run - it's gorgeous out!
Now playing: moby - flying foxes

Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote. But vote smart.

OK, one political post and then I'm done.

We are a nation at war. We are a nation facing our lowest levels of international confidence and support. We are a nation facing wide and deep domestic crises wreaking damages unseen for generations.

None of these things are insurmountable for our great nation if swift and decisive corrective actions are taken.

So please don't be stuck on stupid with your priorities going into the booth tomorrow. I got news for y'all: McCain's priority ain't gonna be overturning Roe Vs Wade. And Obama's priority ain't gonna be gay marriage.

Our next president and congressional leaders have urgent & looming challenges to address. And they're big ones. Bigger than most of us have ever seen in our lives.

I don't care who you vote for tomorrow. Just please vote smart - pick the right people for the right reasons.
Now playing: kid rock - american bad ass

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Life in the trenches

Over this weekend, my department at work moved to a new building. I went in this afternoon for a couple of hours to help set up my area. I like the new location! I've got a bigger cube, a huge window view (woot!), and a fancy new Aeron chair (comfy!).

The new digs really are very nice - it's a big improvement over our old location. No skimps by the brass with regard to setting it up well.

However, I'm starting to get that itch to move on to new challenges. Realistically, that may not be likely for another year or so (just a matter of establishing more experience), but I've been tweaking my resume, and I'm starting to send in apps to see what nibbles I get.

Fully understanding that my specific experience level with this company is the long pole in the tent for me, I'd be happy to just get some interviews under my belt for now. I learn so much from each interview I do, and each one helps me prepare more and be stronger for the next. So far, so good - I've got a phone interview this week for the first app I sent in. As part of the phone interview, I had to answer a comprehensive pre-interview questionnaire. Those too are hugely beneficial - it asked some great questions, and I'm glad to be challenged with thinking about those types of things once again. Putting that hat on helps me give due attention the ever looming "Am I on the right path to get to where I want to be?" question.

Of course, I will be thrilled if any of my current & future apps turn into an offer here in the near future, and who knows... Stranger things have happened! As a wise mentor once told me: The answer is always 'No' if you never ask the question.

Another gorgeous day here - it's been a wonderful weekend of running & mountain biking for me, and I'm grateful for it.
Now playing: marty & elayne - staying alive

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I say bollocks to "Endless Summer"...

... gimme "Endless Fall"!

This weather is effin' amazing! Great day today - much has been accomplished. I'm a happy camper. And I beat the onset of my cold - I was going to be one sad monkey if I wasn't 100% over this gorgeous weekend.

I'll post up more in the next day or two. Don't forget to fall back tonight!
Now playing: the smiths - how soon is now

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Must sleep...

I feel a fall cold starting to get its claws in me today, so I'm about to go to bed. Usually, if I can load up on vitamin C and get a good night's rest, I can fend it off early. Wish me luck!

Otherwise, it's been a good week - quiet, but good. I'll end this recent boring/bummer blogpost streak here soon, I promise! A busy weekend is coming up, and I'm looking forward to it...

I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather - there may not be much more!
Now playing: opus III - stars in my pocket

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Regarding my previous post -

I'm aware that parts and the whole of it are all quite vague. That is intentional. Those who know, will know. For the rest of y'all, more explanation may perhaps be a story for another time & place, but not here...

Sometimes, it helps me to write my way through something in order to arrive at my own resolution. That post was one of those times. It wasn't intended to paint a perfectly clear picture.

So, thanks for your patience - I'll return to more benign topics like evil squirrels, running blather, and whining about my gimp tree soon enough! I'm sure you are all on the edges of your seats in anticipation ;-)

Have a great start to the week!
Now playing: soul asylum - spinnin'

Friday, October 24, 2008

Karma, Reality, and Forward Progress

It appears that the circumstances surrounding a certain recent situation are indeed what I had suspected all along.

Or are they? A wise & crusty boss once told me, "Hydro, reality ain't shit. Perception is everything."

With that in mind, I am perhaps jumping to conclusions about this particular thing, but I doubt it. The funny part of it all is this: none of the "what really happened?" is actually important.

Or, rather, all of it is only as important as I choose to make it.

Was I played for a fool?
Was I an unwitting chump the entire time?
Am I ...*gasp*... a victim?!?

So, let's say for a moment that all of what I suspect is true... I could rack it all up to karma. Unarguably, I then finally got something I had coming from an universal justice point-of-view!

The problem with that viewpoint is that it still paints me as a victim.

But, wait - I'm innocent here!
I didn't do anything wrong!
I'm allowed to be upset about this (if it's true!) - surely then, such feelings are justified!

Wrong. Wrong.

Such stinkin' thinkin' is a very slippery slope - it ain't a good or healthy place to wallow around in. I should know better, so...

Why is it that - all too often - our first instinct when feeling hurt is to somehow hurt back? Or at least get acknowledgment that we feel hurt (as we sit around on our pity-pots)?

I'm annoyed with myself for that crap still being a typical initial reaction...

The truth of this particular matter is: The reality is wholly unimportant to my own forward progress. The perceptions are created entirely in my own head, and I fully control them.

If I choose to mope and feel hurt, then I have absolutely no one to blame but myself.

And I am not innocent. I did plenty of things wrong which led to what happened...

I should have listened to my gut more instead of dismissing those somethin'-ain't-quite-right-here feelings as insecure paranoia.
I should have spoken up when I had genuine concerns.
Should I have trusted less, or been more suspicious? No, not that at all! I simply should have assumed less, excused less, and rationalized less.

I chose to lower my expectations & standards in a misguided effort to be more accommodating and not rock the boat.

I should have remained true to myself, and not accepted those compromises.

God willing, these aren't mistakes I will make again in the future. If I choose to see myself as a victim, then I have only my own poor decisions to blame for it.

I am grateful for the opportunity to become a stronger, wiser, and more confident person as a result of the whole experience, so no regrets!

I move forward one step at a time. And I am smiling ;-)

A work in progress...
Now playing: foo fighters - this is a call

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Quick update

Relatively quiet lately. They seem to be finished terrorizing the corn-stalk thing, and it's still standing tall. The paranoid in me wonders if they are quietly massing for some kind of new attack. Pretty soon, they'll have one less tree to heckle from & hide out in - and that's a good segue to...

"The Tree":
Final detailed estimate is in, and it's even 50% more than the original scary estimate. I had another estimate done, and it was similar. That's going to hurt the ol' pocketbook (or in this case, credit card!). Hurt a lot. But, it needs to be done - I'll tighten my belt a little bit, adjust the budget, and it'll all be fine eventually. Please pray that God doesn't decide to take the tree down before the tree service folks have a chance to!

I can't resist anymore. I'm going to start growing it out again. I may just keep it extremely short & stubbly, but I'm curious to see my hair again. We'll see how it goes...

Stay warm!
Now playing: louis armstrong - i was doing all right

Thursday, October 16, 2008


My running has been a mixed bag since the marathon. I'm now just running every other day, and ~4-5 miles per go. My paces overall have been great, but the runs themselves have been a struggle for the most part. I feel like I'm fighting through them too much. I think it's mostly due to getting my nose, throat, and lungs conditioned to the colder air. And now that the TCM is done, there's just a certain level of psych that's missing as I go into the winter season. I'm confident it'll come together again; it's just a bit frustrating in the meantime. I'm blessed to have my health, and reflecting on that does gives me strength and cheer.

And I'm bummed that I'll (most likely) need to remove the big ol' ash tree in my backyard. After consulting at length with the arborist about it, I think that's the best thing to do. Unfortunately, it's also the most expensive solution (and, wow, it's expensive!). But even with any cheaper band-aid fixes now, it would just be a matter of time before I would need to take it down - that main trunk split is killing the tree and catastrophic structural failure is just a question of when, and not if.

I'm waiting on a more detailed estimate once the arborist's take-'er-down guru stops by to make an assessment. It's most like going to involve a large crane (numerous reasons pointing toward that being the best & safest solution). Oy. Oh well, I was planning to plant a couple of fruit trees out front this spring anyway, and now it looks like I'll be planting a nice shade tree in back too.

Many thanks to my good friends Matt & Todd for their suggestions on a follow-on tree. A couple of wiseacres, youz guys...

Ah, feeling less bummed already - it's nice to vent a bit. Thanks for putting up with it.

~~~ Squirrel update ~~~

I think the thug squirrels have done what damage they are going to do to my corn-stalk thing and a few other decorations I have up (nothing edible left). The corn-stalk thing still looks fine overall, so I think we're in good shape. Some other smaller corn decorations are a total loss, but that was to be expected. I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did, actually.

When I came home from work yesterday, there was a big pile of some shredded corn-stalk debris piled up smack-dab in the middle of my side-door mat -- as in, "Yeah, me & my pals really dig that corn-stalk thing. Instead of just pooping on your mat, I thought I'd rub it in your face that I own that thing, sucka!!" Hmmm...

...When you least expect it, squirrel. I got your number.
Now playing: the soggy bottom boys - i am a man of constant sorrow

Monday, October 13, 2008

Squirrel attack!

My brother and sister-in-law were kind enough to load me up with all sorts of goodies on my recent trip up to The Farm. Thanks M & J! And huge thanks to my sis M for hooking me up earlier in the day with a bunch of hastas for around the homestead. From the Farm, I scored a bunch of flower seeds for next spring, some gorgeous fresh garden veggies, some beautiful pumpkins from their patch, and a very lovely corn-stalk decoration for standing up outside of my front door.

Nemesis squirrel and his pals are having a field day with that corn-stalk thing. There were bits & pieces of it all over my front yard today when I came back from work. It's still looking fine overall (impressive work on the solid build, J!), but it's not going to handle many more onslaughts like that. Hopefully, the squirrels got their fill of whatever they were after in there, but who knows. And they are still tearing the hell up out of all my grass, but I've given up on caring about that (for this season, anyway).

As much as I'd love to feed those bushy-tailed rats a tasty poisoned corn Halloween treat, I know there would just be plenty more to replace 'em. So, I'm not quite sure what my next move will be.

I'll come up with something...
Now playing: nancy sinatra - these boots

Tree Doc appointment

I have a large, mature tree in my backyard that somehow developed an ugly main-trunk split. I'm not sure how old the split is, nor is it clear what originally caused it, but if that less-stable half goes, it's going to wreak major damage on my neighbor's house. That would not be good.

Although my brother-in-law was confident that I could do the needed cabling/bracing work myself, I decided to roll in the pros after reading some eye-opening DITY horror stories on the internet. The consensus was quite overwhelming that such a job (at least on a mature tree) is not a task for the average DITYer.

So, I have an appointment set up for Weds with a certified arborist to take a look at it. Maybe they can cable it, or maybe they will need to cut something down. We'll see. But, I'm definitely happy that the situation will get addressed. I'm sure it ain't gonna be cheap, but as they say, "You can't put a price on peace of mind". Or something like that. le sigh

I'll let y'all know what The Tree Whisperer has to say on Weds...
Now playing: electronic - tighten up

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Facebook - part II

I am now liking Facebook - I've been able to connect with friends from high school, college, my USAF days, and beyond. It's proving to be a nice complement to this blog in terms of staying updated & connected. I'm still learning my way around it, but I certainly enjoy making the connections that I am. Good stuff!

Feel free to come on by if you're out there (link over on the right somewhere)...
Now playing: the white stripes - we're going to be friends

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rainy Tuesday

Quiet couple of days here post-marathon... Still feeling great overall - I'm very happy that both knees, my noodley left ankle, and my uppity right achilles tendon are all doing fine. I haven't run since Sunday, but I'll go for a jog tomorrow. When it dries up more later this week, I'm planning to get some nighttime mountain biking in.

I put up some insulation patches here-and-there up along the foundation in my basement tonight. It certainly ain't much to look at, but I think it worked out pretty well and I'm hoping it'll help this winter. In hindsight, I suppose I should've used one of those surgical mask things, but I like to live dangerously ;-)

I had planned to start letting my hair grow back out (just for grins), but I've gotten good feedback on the baldness in response, so I'm going to stick with it. Well, until the next urge, anyway. It's nice to still have the option, no doubt about that!

Nothing to report with the ongoing squirrel feud. Weather permitting, I'm going to be doing a bunch of flower replanting this weekend, so we'll see how well he tolerates that...
Now playing: kris kross - warm it up kris

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Twin Cities Marathon '08 - "Complete"

What a morning!

The marathon ended up going very well - I'm happy to say that I exceeded my personal goals, and I'm also very happy to report that I feel fantastic right now. Even after choosing to walk 14 blocks for part of the way back home after the race. No injuries, and no worrisome aches or pains - above all else, I'm most grateful for that!

The marathon start was arguably perfect weather - overcast and cool. I started off with a throw-away cotton long-sleeve shirt that I tossed after a few miles once I was somewhere close my desired first-half pace. Shortly after that, the hard rain and wind started. It got f'ing cold. Really cold. I think that was perhaps the coldest I've ever been in my life...

The rain & wind was worst when I was in The Lakes section of the course, and it was just plain brutal. I definitely considered stopping altogether more than once. To be honest, the thing that kept me going was feeling that if I stopped, I dreaded that I would literally go into hypothermic shock, so I just kept going out of pure naked fear more than any other motivation. Other than the I'm-so-freakin-cold-my-bare-skin-feels-like-it's-burning sensation, I couldn't feel a thing anywhere on my body, so I had no idea if my knees were coming apart or not; I just knew I must keep moving...

I had to pee almost right from the start of the race, but I didn't dare stop to do that or anything else, primarily because I had zero confidence that my icy legs would agree to giddyup & go again. I passed up numerous water stops & nice folks trying to give me a High-5 because I could not move my fingers out from a fist. And forget trying to have an energy gel - I never did regain the dexterity to open one of those things.

Finally, about halfway through, the rain let up. And the gaggle was thin enough that I could start attacking in earnest. Once I warmed up enough to get a feel for how my body was holding up overall, I began my push...

Since my recent knee issue prevented me from getting in any long-distance training runs (18+), I was leery of how aggressive to get ramping it up. I know now that I didn't push as full-out as I could've, but hindsight is 20/20 ;-)

My 'chip time' is 3:45:14, so I'm thrilled with that. Trying to be fancy, I dorked up hacking my watch at the start, so I thought my time was around 3:55 as I neared the finish. Had I known that I was so close to sub-3:45, I definitely would've rallied to get under it, but I'm certainly not complaining!

A ginormous "Thanks!" to family & friends who braved that hideous weather to come out and cheer me on - you all ROCK! You guys & gals are unbelievable - I can't express how grateful I am that you were there - thank you!

EDIT: Funniest t-shirt award goes to the dude who wrote I HAVE TO POOP across the back of his shirt. That's a distance-running thing, so it may not be humorous to some of you. But it was funny. Trust me.

A few pictures here

Now playing: blur - song #2

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Getting excited!

Found someone else at work who is doing the marathon, so that's neat. She's looking to run similar times to me, so if we both survive the TCM, perhaps we'll do some runs together next season. I don't mind training solo, but having any level of mutual support is definitely a good thing!

And on that note, I've recently joined a local running club (I know - nice timing, right? Just in time for winter!); I'm looking forward to participating in group runs and training opportunities with them next season.

Quiet this week - just have been doing 3-mile jogs every other day. I think I'll pick up my race packet Friday night, and then do the last couple of miles of the course on Saturday.

As long as it's a nice day, I'll also knock out some more yard work on Saturday, and then it'll be time to chow pasta and get to bed early.
Now playing: social distortion - no pain, no gain

Monday, September 29, 2008

I heart public radio

I became a sustaining member of MPR a while back, and I've decided to also become a sustaining member of Jazz 88. I listen to it all the time now since moving to the new pad (better reception here!) - it's what's on most of time in my house. Great stuff.

We are very fortunate to have the 3 excellent MPR stations and Jazz 88 here in the Twin Towns.

Support public radio!
Now playing: duke ellington & john coltrane - in a sentimental mood

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Had planned to run the last part of the TCM course today, but ended up not doing it. I'll do it some evening this week instead. I've decided to do some nice-n-easy evening runs this week, and use that extra hour of sleep in the morning to ensure I stay well-rested.

However, today was a very productive day - I finally finished hanging the last of my pictures & art. My one remaining project was to hang pictures in the front "hallway" I created using my freestanding bookshelf. It's a mishmash of photos and some art, all in different frames and just randomly hung along the wall. I think it turned out pretty well. Trying to take a picture of it wouldn't really work, but you can decide for yourself if you see it sometime.

It's definitely nice to finally have everything inside the house finally in its place.

Great dinner last night with some family. Good times had by all - thanks for hosting, Mom!

Yesterday's GPS Rundown:
Nokomis Loop mod
6.14 miles / 48:57 time / 7:58 pace
Now playing: the cranberries - sunday

Friday, September 26, 2008

TGIF indeed

Looking forward to a great weekend!

GPS Rundown:
Lake Nokomis plus
7.03 miles / 54:36 time / 7:46 pace
Now playing: fiona apple - pale september

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Me vs Squirrel

Exterior caulking shenanigans are complete. Well, as much as I'm going to do this season anyway. Outside of ongoing yard & The Gardens cleanup, the last remaining sorta big job left to do this fall is to better winterize the basement. It's actually fine now, but I'd like to beef it up where it makes sense to do it. So, a little insulation and pipe-wrap here & there, and maybe putting on a hot-water heater blanket/wrap/cozy or whatever they are called.

There's a squirrel who thinks the yard is his (hers?), and he hasn't been a happy camper ever since I've moved in. We have some good stare-down contests, and when I'm around the yard too much when he has stuff to do (which typically consists of digging far-larger-than-necessary holes all over the yard), he likes to sit on the roof or low in my backyard tree and bark out his displeasure with my presence. He pooped right in the middle of my brand-new doormat when I first moved in (caught him doing that), and he regularly pees in the middle of my walkways and on my stairs when he knows I'm around & I'll notice. There's no other explanation for those sudden little puddles.

So. Yeah. That little punk is on my list. One of these days...

GPS Rundown:
No GPS today (on purpose). No goals, no objectives - just went out for a run.
Now playing: echo and the bunnymen - the killing moon

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hump Day

Knee is still all good. Had lunch with one of my brothers today. It's always great to catch up with him; I really enjoy our lunch get-togethers downtown. He asked how the marathon prep was going (he's done several himself) - when I told him that I was considering doing a big-mileage run this weekend to test out the knee, he wisely steered me away from that idea. Sometimes, we just need that simple sanity check from someone else to know the right course of action to take. Thanks for the vector, big bro!

My plan is to keep on with my ~5 mile morning runs through next week (I enjoy them - Lake Nokomis is uniquely peaceful at that early hour), and to run the last part of the marathon course this weekend. From his own TCM experiences, my brother had some excellent insight on how that last stretch of the course is going to feel at various points. Good stuff!

Other than that, I've been doing some exterior caulking on the house (around the window & door frames, the basement block-windows, etc). A few more exterior things to take care of before the cold & dark of fall sets in, but I should be able to get the big-picture stuff accomplished.

Today's "Doh!" new homeowner lesson: Caulk guns do not have an off switch, so set it down in between beads - continuing to grip it will inevitably just ooze more out. And, overall, they require a much lighter touch than one may first imagine. Ugh.

GPS Rundown:
Lake Nokomis loop mod
5.05 miles / 39:45 time / 7:52 pace
Now playing: pilooski - take care of business (nina simone)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quick update

Forgot to post yesterday, and lost the run data. Ugh. Knee still is feeling great, so I'm grateful for that. Otherwise, not much to report so far this week. Storm passed by and the house is still standing, so that's a good thing.

GPS Rundown:
Lake Nokomis loop mod
5.07 miles / 40:02 time / 7:54 pace
Now playing: the smiths - there is a light that never goes out

Sunday, September 21, 2008

He's alive!

Where to start?... It's been a while!

The knee feels good lately. No running there for a while because of it, but this past week, I've started to run a bit again. Lots of ice and a steady diet of Aleve has certainly helped. I did 10 miles today, and everything felt great. Barring a re-injury (fingers crossed!), I'm now back at the point of definitely planning to start the TCM. I'll up the daily mileage this week, and go for one last long run this coming weekend to test those waters.

The house is looking purty sweet. I'm trying to clear out the yard and what I like to call The Gardens (ha!) before the cold weather rolls in. Lots of little maples and elms were growing in The Gardens, all along the fence lines, and too near the house foundation. Those all had to go. What I couldn't dig up (which wasn't much - even the teeny ones have roots from hell), I just had to cut back & down. PITA. So, although I got a lot of clearing out done this weekend, I still have plenty more to do. Next on the list is some serious weeding, and then transplanting some ferns and hostas to better places around the homestead. The rest of the exterior plans will then have to wait until next year.

People have been bugging me for pics of the new casa, so I'll try to get some posted in the near future.

To my dear family and good friends - be on the lookout for an email soon with my updated contact info. I'll give y'all my new mailing address, and a new primary email address that I'm starting to use. I'll get that email out this week.

Otherwise, life is good. It's nice to have the whole "settling into the new house" scene finally down to a dull roar. For the past month, I've been eating, sleeping, and breathing new house. I'm looking forward to some great fall mountain biking (yay for night riding!), and just getting back out there in general ;-)

GPS Rundown:
Minnehaha variation
10.04 miles / 1:21:29 time / 8:07 pace
Now playing: joe venuti & eddie lang - goin' places

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday's spin

No run yesterday - just didn't work out with some other things going on, so I went for a big run today. My last longish run was August 16th, but I've had a strong past week of running, so I figured I was ready to go large. In hindsight, maybe not a good idea given the circumstances. I wasn't quite as well rested as I usually am for big runs, and I didn't prepare very well with a good carbo dinner the night prior, nor did I front-load my hydration as well as I normally do.

I ended up with a left knee that's killin' me right now - I'm almost certain it's not in the joint, and doesn't really feel like a tendon issue, but something down there is not happy about today's run. I'm going to ice it more tonight, pop a couple more Bayer, and get a good night's rest. Also, I'm right now hydrating practically to the point of my eyes watering - I feel like my earlier lack of proper hydration has a lot to do with my feeling ass-kicked right now. And what's up with that? The infamous Hydro seems to be losing his edge! ;-) Lesson learned, and I'll definitely be better about it from now on. I think I've just gotten lazier about hydrating properly because of the cooler weather and I'm not sweating as much - but I know that being properly hydrated isn't all about replacing the sweat, and today was a great reminder of that.

Other than my gimpy knee inducing pained grimaces & hissed cuss words that resulted in other folks out on The Lakes' trails to go wide around me and nervously avoid eye contact, the run went quite well; I was happily surprised with how the pace turned out. No stops today, and I'm proud of that too.

No run tomorrow for sure; I'm on hold right now until I see how this knee issue turns out.

GPS Rundown:
Chain of Lakes variation
18.02 miles / 2:32:24 time / 8:27 pace
Now playing: jane's addiction - price i pay

Friday, September 5, 2008

It's Friday?

That's the crazy thing about time off work - days just start running together. Spent some time on the outside of the house today. I mowed and cleaned out the gutters. It's been at least a month since the yard was mowed, so that was quite a bit to chew through. And I'm very glad I did the gutters - they were completely filled with dirt, debris, and even baby trees. And I took down that stupid satellite dish that was on my roof. I left only the base of it on (since it may just damage the roof to attempt removing it now), but it's great to have that worthless eyesore gone.

Tonight, I'll start putting the living room together. All of the painting turned out really well; I'm very happy with it.

Good run today. I had some pent-up energy I worked out during the run - felt good.

GPS Rundown:
Nokomis loop variation
6.90 miles / 53:39 time / 7:46 pace
Now playing: sonic youth - one hundred percent

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thursday's thrash

I've been running late mornings or early afternoons this week (that works well with the painting schedule), and will transition back to early morning runs starting next week. In the meantime, you can't ask for much better running weather than the last couple of days - it's about perfect.

GPS Rundown:
Nokomis loop variation
6.26 miles / 51:17 time / 8:12 pace
Now playing: electronic - tighten up

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

WARNING: Long post

I'm finally back to blogging - I'll be better about updates now that I'm getting settled in more.

House news:

It's coming along very nicely. Slower than anticipated for several reasons, but all is going well. The move itself went great - everything arrived safely, but I ran into some unforeseen problems once it was all over here. My bed didn't fit up the stairway to the second floor, so that was a bummer. I had concerns about that fit ever since I first saw the house, but I figured there must be some way. There isn't. This slightly older house (1949 build) just has skinnier doorways and stairwells than more modern houses, and it just wasn't going to have any part of that bed's unique head/footboards or it's queen-sized traditional mattress/boxspring. So, I now have a completely outfitted spare bedroom on the main floor. And it is quite literally a bed room - that ginormous bed takes up just about all of the smallish room, but hey, at least it fits in there! Next, I wanted to set up my TV area in the basement rec room, and then get new living room furniture to have a real living room upstairs (no TV!). My couch and chair wouldn't fit through the basement stairwell. So, those are staying on the main floor too. No big deal there - those furniture pieces are still in great shape and will work fine in my living room. Otherwise, things are slowly finding their place here.

I'm painting right now - the office and spare bedroom are done (and put together), and I just finished the dining room (waiting for that to dry completely overnight now). Tomorrow, I'll paint the living room. Then - finally - I'll be able to get everything pretty much moved into place. Right now, the living room and basement are still filled with mucho flotsam & jetsam of moving carnage. And my kitchen isn't faring much better, although I can at least make my morning coffee ;-)

On the bright side, I did end up with a great new queen-sized mattress and bedframe from good ol' Ikea that I absolutely love. It's a latex mattress that was just barely pliable enough to mash & stuff up the stairway. So, my upstairs master bedroom is looking (and feeling!) good. I also scored a basic cheapie sofa arrangement from Ikea to use downstairs for the TV area; it's nothing great, but it does the job. I don't watch enough TV to justify paying for cable, so I got one of those HD boxes and an indoor HD antenna, and it seems to be working out fine. Reception down there is a tad sketchy sometimes, but I haven't really made a concerted effort yet to tweak the setup. It'll be good enough. I really like the notion of having an adult living room with no idiot box, so that thing is staying downstairs no matter what.

My washer and dryer fit downstairs fine (whew!). Getting the old ones out was an adventure though. I thought I could perhaps do it by myself, and I did indeed manage to get the dryer out, but I couldn't get the washer up even one step - that thing was a friggin' tank. Fortunately, the movers were able to get it out the next day just fine.

Some miscellaneous thoughts on moving:

I was struck over the past week or so with fleeting moments of loneliness and insecurity. Which is odd, since I have no reason to feel that way. I've come the conclusion that it's a Pavlovian response to moving - I've moved a lot in my life, and it's usually been to new places and new circumstances - basically, leaving behind a comfortable and "known" existence, so those feeling were a bit more understanble to experience. Just seemed strange to have them pop up a couple times with this move too. I also think it's just the overall feeling of not being settled in anywhere yet - when things are all packed up in various locations, and there's that transitional period where you don't really have a home, it seems to naturally breed some insecurity.

While thinking about all of that over the weekend, I asked myself, "What makes your home home?" Certainly, getting your things arranged & settled in their proper place is a big part of it. And then customizing the surroundings (painting, decorating, etc). But, when I was in that week-plus transition between the apartment and the new house, home was whichever place I had my computer set up. Oh, and wherever your bed is too. That's a big one. Those couple of nights spent sleeping on the couch while I was dealing with the bed debacle were quite dispiriting.

But I love this new place! The location is great - I'm a quick 3/4 mile from Lake Nokomis, and a jog over there and then around the lake will be absolutely perfect for my pre-work morning runs. Very cool!

And that brings us to: Marathon prep updates

Due to some packing buffoonery, my GPS was MIA for a while. And truth be told, my running has been ...errr... pretty minimal over the last two weeks. I'm back full-force this week though, and I'm feeling great, so I'm confident the marathon will go well as planned. When I went toe-to-toe with that old dryer and the stairs last Wednesday, I wrenched my back pretty bad. In my infinite wisdom, I decided to still run that night - somehow, that made sense to me at the time. Last week, I was running nights. Not evenings, but nights. Anywhere from 10:30 to midnight-30 starts. I was on a crazy schedule, and those night runs helped me clear my head at the end of the day. So, anyway, last Wednesday... That was the crazy stormy night, but despite my bad back and the storms, I wanted to have one last run in Mendota Heights. So, off I went at about 11:30. At that point, the rain was steady but still pretty soft. After about 10 minutes, all hell seemed to break loose. Rain started coming down in frenzied, wind-whipped sheets. I was unfazed - "Hardcore!", I reassured myself. And then the lightning started. And not just a little. A lot. Still I pressed on. The few people out driving who saw me must have thought I was absolutely out of my mind. They were right.

I was going past St Thomas Academy's athletic fields when it suddenly got very bright. Sort of bright like daylight, but much, much brighter. In daylight, there are still always some shadows that darken things somewhat. This sudden light was unbelievably bright, and there were no shadows. I knew that either I was about to be abducted by aliens, or there was going to be a lightning strike very close to me. Time slowed. Despite the pounding rain, there was a loud sizzling noise steadily building, and I could feel the electricity in the air. Then, the loudest noise I have ever heard in my life - the lightning struck a ballpark light pole about 20 feet from me. Being a military pilot, I've heard a lot of loud things, but nothing like this. I could feel the powerful concussion of that strike, and my ears rang for minutes afterwards. I watched the lightning bolt hit the pole numerous times in that brief split second - I could see the light race up and down the bolt, and then when it was done with the strike itself, flashing dots of light flickered on-and-off along the vertical path of the bolt. To say the least, it was awesome and very humbling to behold. I finished the entire planned run just fine - soaking wet and a bit shaken by the lightning encounter, but the experience certainly made for a memorable last run in Mendota!

Today's GPS Rundown:
Nokomis lap variation
5.69 miles / 45:40 time / 8:02 pace
Now playing: opus III - it's a fine day

Sunday, August 24, 2008


What a week. I am crazy tired right now. And the vast majority of work is yet to be done! At least I now have time off from work to make it all happen. I'm slowly getting things over to the new house, and it's starting to come together. My big items will move towards the end of next week. I was hoping to have started painting by now, but no joy - I've got other things to do ahead of that still.

Note to self: In the future, read instruction labels more carefully, and avoid like the plague any adhesive products that advise: Product contact with skin can only be removed mechanically, or allowed to wear off over time. Mechanically?!? Ugh.

And sorry for the lack of running updates this week - nothing really worth reporting on. Next Monday, I'm going to attempt to get back on track one way or another. Sheesh, I've got to - not much time left to get ready!

Thanks for putting up with my lack of reports - this upcoming week will likely be sparse too, since I have to clear completely out of my apartment. By this time next week, I should be feeling much more "settled" ;-)
Now playing: the pixies - wave of mutilation

Monday, August 18, 2008

Home, Sweet Home

I am now a bona fide homeowner.

The closing went pretty much as planned today. A few last-minute hurdles to jump getting to the table, but it all concluded just fine. And I walked away from the deal with a nice-sized check in hand - which will all go right back into the house ;-)

I don't think it's really sunk in yet. I don't expect it will until I actually move in and start living there. I'm still darn excited - I have a LOT of work ahead, but I know it'll all be worthwhile! After I get settled in, I'm planning to do a "lessons learned" post about my overall buying experience.

Since I needed a few hours off during the day to close, I skipped my morning run and went into work early. I ran this evening to make up for it. I knew I wasn't as well hydrated as I should've been (naughty bad Hydro!), so I didn't end up going for very long. The numbers turned out much better than I was expecting. Tomorrow will be my planned weekday off, and then I'll start up again Weds morning.

GPS Rundown:
Rogers Lake Figure-8 (mod)
5.03 miles / 40:31 time / 8:04 pace
Now playing: harvey danger - flagpole sitta

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday's schlep

Today's run was... meh. Good numbers overall (straight-through, no stops), but it didn't feel great. I just didn't enjoy it as much as I usually do my long runs. I suppose it's because I have a lot on my mind with the new house. I was considering doing more mileage today, but the body said it was time to stop when I did, so I didn't push it. I still have plenty of time to hit the 18- and 20-mile marks.

Now, it's time to start moving some items over to the new house, and then get my Home Depot on!

GPS Rundown:
Chain of Lakes variation
14.53 miles / 2:03:18 time / 8:29 pace
Now playing: new order - 60 mph

Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday run-fu

No run yesterday - it was a planned day off.

Great running weather this morning. Once I was finally fully awake out there, I really enjoyed the run.

GPS Rundown:
Rogers Lake (mod)
5.59 miles / 45:31 time / 8:09 pace
Now playing: turriff & district pipe band - up in the morning...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday's whoosh

Good news on the closing - it's been officially scheduled again. Maybe not as soon as I'd like, but at least it's back on. By this time next week, I should have the house. I actually have the keys now, but I feel weird moving much stuff until the papers are all signed. I'm very grateful that it's all once again moving forward!

** break - break **

I'm going to start working in one evening run during the (work) week. My mornings are allowing for a ~4.5 mile run, and I'd like to do one longer run during the week. My plan would be to then take the next day off. That'll be fine since I rarely end up running all 5 days as it is. I'd still do a long run on Saturday, and take Sunday off (or a perhaps short run).

I started that tonight. It's pretty muggy out, but I figure doing some runs in the heat is good for my conditioning. I had some energy I needed to get out of my system tonight, so I decided to try my 7.5 mile route in under 8-minute miles. Maybe not by much, but I did it. Feels good.

GPS Rundown:
Rogers Lake + Resurrection (extended)
7.56 miles / 60:13 time / 7:58 pace
Now playing: the pixies - dig for fire

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday trundle

Arguably dreary out this morning, but I prefer it like that for running.

I'm considering some options to beef up my weekday mileage, but I'd like to get this house timeline nailed down better first. In the meantime, just do it.

GPS Rundown:
Rogers Lake + Resurrection Figure-8
6.44 miles / 53:26 time / 8:18 pace
Now playing: yo-yo ma - unaccompanied cello suite 2 in d

Monday, August 11, 2008


Final word today: Closing has rolexed. It's nothing major jeopardizing the deal overall (thank goodness) - just some title paperwork minutiae that's still not in accordance with, so everything's on hold for right now. Closing should happen by the end of the week; I'll keep y'all posted...

I'll do my final walk-through tomorrow though - that'll give me an opportunity to decide on painting colors and get going on shopping for some other DITY projects I have planned. So, it'll still be a productive day.

"Serenity NOW!!!"

Now playing: the pop will eat itself - splendour and chaos

So it begins

Brisk out this morning!

GPS Rundown:
Rogers Lake Figure-8 (mod)
4.65 miles / 39:21 time / 8:28 pace
Now playing: handel - concerto no 6

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Gettin' hip

Feeling swell today - I was curious how tight or sore I may be today after yesterday's big push, but I feel great overall. I'm blessed to not have any injuries or dogged aches & pains so far; although, yesterday, I did notice something a bit askew with my left hip early in the run - it wasn't an irritation or a pain per se, nor was it persistent, it just was something "there" a few times early in the run. It didn't last (thankfully!). Maybe the birdstrike did some damage after all?!? Haha, I'm confident it'll all be fine ;-)

Down day
Now playing: stereo mcs - connected

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Gittin'er done...

Good run this morning, despite it being ridiculously steamy early on. That seemed to improve as the sun climbed, but the mugginess was pretty heavy starting out.

From Nokomis, I did Harriet and Calhoun and back, and then ran around most of Nokomis to finish it off.

Today marks a first for my long-distance runs this year: I didn't stop during the run. At all. I was lucky with the stop-lights today and only had to slow & swerve a little to get through a couple of them without stopping. The time below is straight through with no stop-n-resume breaks.

I wanted to hit it hard today, since starting next week, I'll have some very busy weekends ahead. And I'm very happy with today's results - I'm definitely feeling good about things.

GPS Rundown:
Chain of Lakes variation
16.70 miles / 2:23:49 time / 8:37 pace
Now playing: smashing pumpkins - rhinoceros

Friday, August 8, 2008

Quiet Friday evening

...and that's OK. So what if I'm single again, and don't have super fabulous weekend plans? I can either be bummed about it (still am sometimes, I admit), or I can celebrate the great things going on for me right now.

-- I got a raise today. Just a modest one, but it was unexpected. Giddyup!

-- My Minnesota property tax refund came this week - just in time to go right back into my new property ;-)

-- I think my closing will happen on-time after all. An issue arose this week with the seller and the title (looong story), but my loan officer is rockin' it. She stepped in personally today and made it her mission to get it taken care of. Hopefully, now the paperwork gets finalized in enough time. She takes immense pride in closing on the target date, and when there's any threat to that, well... watch out. She's an experienced hard-hitter who knows her way around the system, and I've been really impressed at numerous things she's taken on for me that are well above-and-beyond her expected duties. I'm very lucky to have her on Team Chris

-- Running is going well. Really well.

-- The new baldness is getting good feedback!

And, I don't really have time for any fabulous weekend plans right now anyway - packing calls...
Now playing: cracker - low


I surprised myself with today's numbers - I was very sluggish getting ready for the run, so I didn't expect it to be that fast. Feels good though!

GPS Rundown:
Rogers Lake Figure-8 (mod)
4.60 miles / 38:14 mins / 8:18 pace
Now playing: styx - mr roboto

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wise words from a wise guy

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today
-- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Think clearly.
Act rightly.
Good things happen.

A work in progress...
Now playing: operation ivy - knowledge

Chilly air = good run

GPS Rundown:
Rogers Lake Figure-8 (mod)
4.59 miles / 39:13 mins / 8:32 pace
Now playing: nancy sinatra - bang bang

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hump Day

Nice and cool this morning. Otherwise, NSTR.

GPS Rundown:
Rogers Lake Figure-8
4.55 miles / 40:14 mins / 8:51 pace

Now playing: green day - when i come around

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bird strike

It was still pretty dark out when I turned south onto Dodd Rd. I looked down to check the path ahead for any obstacles that could cause another ankle incident. In my peripheral vision, I caught a quick flash of movement and then was hit... by a bird! Something grey-colored and very small glanced of my left hip and quickly flew away. I haven't had a bird strike in a long time, and I expect it'll be long time again before I ever have another one.

GPS Rundown:
Rogers Lake Figure-8
4.54 miles / 39:46 mins / 8:45 pace
Now playing: TMBG - birdhouse in your soul

Monday, August 4, 2008

Dear diary,

Since I'm down to an army-of-one for my TCM training preparation, I'm going to start checking in daily here with how I'm doing. It'll help keep me honest ;-) And starting this past Sunday, I now have a way to use GPS on my runs, so I'll be posting exact mileages (as long as it works!) Unfortunately, the GPS interface doesn't play well yet with Macs, so you are just going to have to take my word for it...

Starting last Saturday (8/2 pre-GPS): I'll call it 16 miles. I walked for a while after I rolled my ankle over, and I became too impatient trying to use gmap-pedometer to figure out how much I actually did. 16 seems fair enough.

Sunday (8/3): 4.55 miles (Rogers Lake Figure-8 route). Note to self: pace much improved with new aerodynamic cranium.

Today: 0 miles. Took the day off to let the legs recover. My quads wanted it. On the plus side, my ankle felt completely normal on yesterday's run. I swear that thing is pure rubber - it may fold over easy, but it just bounces right back. How fast it recovers is freakish, considering that it pops (ick!) all fully out of joint when I roll it. Oh well, I'm just happy that it's fine.

I'm planning to hit the trusty ol' Rogers Figure-8 tomorrow morning. For tonight, packing calls...
Now playing: chet thomas - you're my thrill

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Well, that hiatus was short-lived...

My last post was rather terse. Although I certainly will be busy soon with the move, I feel that I owe y'all an update in the meantime. It's been quite a week...

I've rejoined the ranks of singledom.

How it unfolded has been a challenge to the strength of my recovery program. And, by saying that, I want to be clear that I'm not talking about any temptation to drink over it - I'm grateful to say that hasn't been an issue whatsoever. Rather, I mean the "coping" aspect of it all. There's a part of me that never seems satisfied until I have answers. And that trait has served the thorough hard worker in me very well. However, it can also trigger a lot of stinkin' thinkin' from that addict in me. When it comes to relationships, answers are rarely black-and-white. Some things simply must be accepted at face value, even if not fully understood. Here, a crossroad lies... To chase after answers or resolution to the point of... well... what, exactly? Going down that shoulda-woulda-coulda road of what-ifs & whys rarely--if ever!--leads to a satisfying or happy closing. Alternatively, the other path is acceptance (there it is again!). Acceptance isn't easy when your don't have the answers you desire, but my recovery program resources help me navigate difficult situations like this in a healthy & positive manner.

I'm in no hurry to get back into the dating scene. I'm looking forward to having time to work further on me - that's always time well spent. The new house will keep me plenty busy, and I still have the marathon to prepare for. Additionally, my poor bikes have had a quiet season so far, and I look forward to some great fall riding to make up for that.

The marathon training is coming along fine. I did my first solo long-distance run today and it went very well overall. I did the usual The Lakes run again, but inadvertently ran Lake of The Isles too (long story), so the run overall was just a tad longer than I'd planned! While on the return leg around Calhoun, I thought I was toast when I abruptly rolled my noodley left ankle - the ensuing crash to the ground was rather spectacular. Nearby fellow runners were very nice though, and made sure I was OK. I ended up finishing the last 6+ miles of the run - I'm pretty sure that was not a good idea, but we shall see tomorrow ;-)

And, as of today, I'm bald. Growing out my hair was a fun experiment, but I never was quite happy with it overall. Big change, but I'm liking it...

Peace out!
Now playing: right said fred - i'm too sexy