My last post was rather terse. Although I certainly will be busy soon with the move, I feel that I owe y'all an update in the meantime. It's been quite a week...
I've rejoined the ranks of singledom.
How it unfolded has been a challenge to the strength of my recovery program. And, by saying that, I want to be clear that I'm not talking about any temptation to drink over it - I'm grateful to say that hasn't been an issue whatsoever. Rather, I mean the "coping" aspect of it all. There's a part of me that never seems satisfied until I have answers. And that trait has served the thorough hard worker in me very well. However, it can also trigger a lot of stinkin' thinkin' from that addict in me. When it comes to relationships, answers are rarely black-and-white. Some things simply must be accepted at face value, even if not fully understood. Here, a crossroad lies... To chase after answers or resolution to the point of... well... what, exactly? Going down that shoulda-woulda-coulda road of what-ifs & whys rarely--if ever!--leads to a satisfying or happy closing. Alternatively, the other path is acceptance (there it is again!). Acceptance isn't easy when your don't have the answers you desire, but my recovery program resources help me navigate difficult situations like this in a healthy & positive manner.
I'm in no hurry to get back into the dating scene. I'm looking forward to having time to work further on me - that's always time well spent. The new house will keep me plenty busy, and I still have the marathon to prepare for. Additionally, my poor bikes have had a quiet season so far, and I look forward to some great fall riding to make up for that.
The marathon training is coming along fine. I did my first solo long-distance run today and it went very well overall. I did the usual The Lakes run again, but inadvertently ran Lake of The Isles too (long story), so the run overall was just a tad longer than I'd planned! While on the return leg around Calhoun, I thought I was toast when I abruptly rolled my noodley left ankle - the ensuing crash to the ground was rather spectacular. Nearby fellow runners were very nice though, and made sure I was OK. I ended up finishing the last 6+ miles of the run - I'm pretty sure that was not a good idea, but we shall see tomorrow ;-)
And, as of today, I'm bald. Growing out my hair was a fun experiment, but I never was quite happy with it overall. Big change, but I'm liking it...
Peace out!
Now playing: right said fred - i'm too sexy