Much like Brett and Lance, it's baaaack!
I've decided to keep on with the blog...
I just haven't found a better writing outlet idea, so I think I should just stick with this. Plus, I've gotten some feedback encouraging me to keep on with this one, and that's been cheering to hear. I'm grateful to learn that my recovery journey has been a source of experience, strength, and hope to some dear readers out there, and I feel an obligation to keep sharing insight into my ongoing recovery experiences.
I'll have a busy spring coming up, and am juggling a lot right now with the new job, getting ready for Grandma's, and lots more of just plain "getting out there" socially. So, I can't promise that I'll be posting near as much as I have in the past, but that's not necessarily a bad thing either!
So, please keep an eye out for new posts, and possibly a new look. Perhaps, a change of scenery around here is what I need ;)
Thanks again for all of your wonderful support and heart-warming comments - it's a blessing to have such great friends!
Now playing: new order - every little counts