Sunday, June 21, 2009

Grandma's Marathon '09

This race was a very good learning experience for me. I made several big mistakes going into it, and I'm very fortunate and blessed that I not only finished with a PR (personal record), but that I finished injury-free.

In no particular order, I'll break 'em down...

Mistake #1: No long-distance training in sun and hot weather yet this season. I've been blessed to have some other great races (GIG 1/2, Stillwater 20-miler) this year with regard to my paces, but they've all been under near-ideal weather conditions. So far, I've only done distances of 4.5 - 5 miles when it's been hot and sunny. That's a big hole in my training!! So, I must incorporate some long-distance training runs when it's nasty like that out. The upcoming TCM in October could be brutally hot (like in '07), so I need to prepare for that option. When it's nice & cool or overcast out, that's a whole different game than when it's sunny, hot, and humid :)

Mistake #2: I went into the race with a questionable calf injury. Well, not so much an injury - but this lingering, nagging tightness in my lower calf/Achilles area I've had for the last several weeks. Two results from that: It's hampered my training (especially distance runs), and it was dumb to start a race like a marathon with a wildcard issue like that - I could have easily shredded up that calf or Achilles during the race and I'm very fortunate it feels good today. Actually, I'm a bit spooked right now - it feels perfectly normal today (is that good or bad?!? I expected it to be quite tight!). It didn't "hurt" per se during the race, but I definitely felt the tightness. Did it slow me down? Yes, but not from pain or anything like that - it was more from that stupid "Can I pick it up? Yes? No? What if I push too hard and blow it out? Go faster? Slow down?" loop-of-doubt that kept playing in my head. You shouldn't race if you know you are going to be distracted by such things - it just messes with your focus and clarity. And I knew darn well that loop would be playing, so I should've considered more carefully at the start whether this race was smart to do.

Mistake #3: Past results do not themselves equal future success. This ties in the previous two mistakes, but is a lesson I need to get real about - especially as I migrate into triathlon training! Just because my training so far this year has been ahead of schedule, I can see now that was had a lot to do with the great weather we've had so far (cool temps). My rigorous marathon training history is only about one year old now - I've certainly come a long way, but I can't get too far ahead of myself. As I continue to whittle my pace times down, I need to be much more patient and realistic than I have been. This race at Grandma's was a very good wake-up call - if I want to BQ at the TCM this year, I realize now that I have much more work to do than I previously thought! I was getting far too cocky in my training and goals this season, so Grandma's definitely helped knock me down a few levels...

Here's a breakdown of my Grandma's results. It's almost the complete opposite of my '08 TCM performance - instead of my pace slowly improving throughout the race like the TCM, my pace steadily degraded all through Grandma's. I started out too fast, and was thus behind the proverbial power curve when the temps ramped up, and it all went south quickly from there.

So - Grandma's '09 - definitely not my finest work. In fact, it was the worst race of my career so far. I guess that sounds odd for me to say when I PR'd, but this was only my 3rd marathon ;) It may have been a PR, but it's not one I'm particularly proud of - given my mistakes, I was very fortunate to just finish this race at all. Great lessons learned here for me, and I'm taking them all to heart!
Now playing: electronic - breakdown

Friday, June 5, 2009


I am confident that we've now seen the last of my stalker ex-gf and her rancorous harassment.

Earlier this week, she was confronted on the phone by one of her latest targets. She was advised on no uncertain terms that the harassment would cease immediately. She acknowledged that message, and stated it would not happen again.

To follow up on that, I have explored possible legal action that I myself can take. I've been counseled to provide her one final warning to forever cease all harassment and unsolicited communication to me, and my friends & family members. That has been done; I have emailed her that message today, and - God willing - that will be the last communication that I (or anyone else in my life) will ever have with her. I made it very clear what consequence would result if she were to disregard these messages.

In the future, if any of you out there receive any form of derogatory communication from her regarding your association to me (as I've mentioned before, it would be glaringly obvious in tone & content), please do let me know - I am now well prepared to escalate it immediately.

Thank you all for your support and help through this week - it's very much appreciated!
Now playing: beastie boys - something's got to give

Monday, June 1, 2009


My unstable ex-girlfriend (for perspective here, that relationship ended 3.5 years ago!) is resorting to new lows in her ongoing efforts to wreak havoc in my life.

Because some close friends of mine have blocked her existing profile on Facebook, this girl is now creating fake Facebook profiles as a way to view people's Friends Lists, and is contacting other people's family members in an effort to "warn" them about me.

To put it mildly, that is crossing the line.

I would appreciate it if you (or anyone in your Friends List!) would please let me know if you get any harassing messages ranting about what a horrible person I am. There's no use in openly identifying her here, since she is now disguising her identity. However, any message from her would be exceedingly obvious in both tone & content.

If you are reading all of this and thinking, "Chris, WTF is this all about?!?", then please check out this previous blog post. I am happy to take any questions you may have about the whole situation, so please feel free to ask - I sincerely do my best to be openly accountable for my past actions & behaviors, and that previous blog post is a rather comprehensive summary of the situation and my side of the story.

Her malicious (but misguided) efforts here are cowardly and indicative of her ongoing psychological issues which she refuses to be accountable for - sadly, she believes that her attempts to trash my current life will somehow bring her peace and happiness. It's unfortunate that she still does not understand the all-too-well-proven "epic fail" in that line of toxic reasoning.

Today, I'm blessed to be surrounded with happy, healthy, and supportive family & friends - my close friends are well aware of this whole situation and are in my corner 100% - I am certainly grateful for that, but I am saddened that they are being unduly harried.

This recent harassment has gone too far, and it will no longer go unanswered.

Your attention and support here are much appreciated - thank you!
Now playing: fugazi - bad mouth