Happy Leap Day!
Dig it. Now you too can win friends, influence people, and woo hot chicks (or dudes) with your vastly impressive Leap Year & Leap Day smarts. You can thank me later.
Now playing: peter bjorn and john - young folks
"Understanding is the key to right principles and attitudes, and right action is the key to good living"
Dig it. Now you too can win friends, influence people, and woo hot chicks (or dudes) with your vastly impressive Leap Year & Leap Day smarts. You can thank me later.
Now playing: peter bjorn and john - young folks
of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Life
We have a few new folks starting at work lately, and it's always interesting (even exciting, perhaps?) to have someone new around. 'Around' could mean work, a social group, or even family. Or it could mean a new twist on an existing relationship - a platonic friendship turning into something more, for example. In all these cases, we have an opportunity to introduce ourselves anew (completely or dimensionally) to that person, and we make a fundamental choice about how and how much of ourselves we share in this new relationship.
Clearly, much of that follows certain established societal norms for each of those relationship examples I mentioned earlier. Crossing over any of those norms risks being labeled as 'creepy', 'odd', 'desperate', 'just ain't right', or worse! And, perhaps through learning some of those lessons the hard way and/or otherwise being hurt as a result, we can become wary of how much we are willing to share or give of ourselves, especially early on.
There's a fostering part of me that wants to always see people in new situations succeed. Perhaps it's the struggling newcomer at an AA meeting. Maybe it's a friend who is going through a troubling life experience. Maybe it's the new person at work walking around with the deer-in-the-headlights look. Two things have influenced this "I'll get this all fixed up!" nature in me: My experience as an instructor pilot, and my experience in recovery. I fully admit it: I love being the person present & responsible for someone else's 'Eureka!' moment. It's a great feeling, isn't it?!? But it's a fine line between being overly sheltering & directive, and allowing the other person to discover their own place in the relationship & environment - that's the crux!
There are two tools that I've found helpful (when I remember to use them, haha!). The first, I blogged about a while ago. The second is another sharing tool that I learned in recovery. A fundamental recovery tenet is to avoid telling someone what to do, how to act, etc. It's simply not our place, and none of us like being on the other end of that; rather, we should share our experience, strength, and hope with the person, and allow them to process that information themselves in order to decide their own place or course of action. This is accomplished by avoiding statements like "You should (not)..." Rather, discuss the issue from the perspective of your own personal experience, like this: "When I was in that spot, I did/said ... and it worked well for me (or) what I wish I had instead done/said was ..." It's a subtle variation to humbly proffer insight & direction to others without being overbearing or coming off as high-handed.
That all sounds pretty simple, right? Not so much! Why is that so hard to do sometimes?!? Ego, baby, E-G-O! Well, that's the reason for me; I like to think that I'm a pretty smart dude, and I can be darn smug about it sometimes ;) Now that is most definitely...
A work in progress...
Now playing: red hot chili peppers - me & my friends
of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: My Recovery
Good night at yoga, and I needed it!
I'm slowly starting to hold poses better now. Starting out, I was shocked at how difficult holding (what appear to be very simple) poses can be! I'm amazed at the direct link yoga reveals between our mental & physical serenity. When I can slow down my thoughts and focus them on my own peacefulness & well-being, then my muscles shake less, I inherently relax more gracefully, and the poses become fluid instead of an uncomfortable & unintuitive struggle. Much like recovery, it's about progress, not perfection. Each yoga session has new challenges for me, and that's driven primarily by the mental state I walk in the door with. It's incredible to see how my body reacts in kind to my relaxing mind - good stuff!
Now playing: dj shadow - midnight in a perfect world
1 of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Life
It was such a beautiful day, and after having some good runs in the last couple of weeks, I was psyched for a great run today. But, I had a very blech run. Whenever I start to ramp back up in the spring, I go through a period of just having some miserable runs once in a while. It's just the curve of getting back into the outdoor running routine.
I mentioned in a previous post that I don't bike in the winter. I do occasionally run in the winter, but nothing regularly. Truth be told, I just put up with packing on up to 5 lbs (not more!) of winter weight, and then I lose it in the spring when I can run & ride routinely again. So, that annual push in the spring to get my legs & lungs back is always a bumpy start. Today was just one of those days. No rhythm, no stride, no lungs, but plenty of tightness and side-aches. Oh well, I'll keep pluggin' away at it this week; it'll be fine. I'm definitely looking forward to yoga on Weds!
Break, break - new topic: My hair. It's coming along pretty well; the curls are starting to show. Most days I'm liking it, but some days I just want to cut it all off. I got a quick blend & trim on it today just to clean it up a little; that makes feel better about it for whatever reason. Press on...
Now playing: moby - run on
of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Life
Yes, I've been a rather lazy blogger again lately. Recap time. This week, I ...
... am still hating this bitter cold. Ugh. Bring spring. ASAP please.
... went to another home buying seminar. Not as comprehensive or informative as the previous one I attended, but still helpful. I've now got a good wealth of resources & info to look hard at whether or not this will be a good time for me to buy. My primary concern is that the ever-worsening credit crunch is going to make for some very wary lenders in the near future, and that could be an issue. Although my credit is excellent, I still am worried about overall financing conditions in 3-4 months. It's not a pretty picture. Yes, it's a buyer's market in terms of property availability and prices, but as banks grow understandably leery & reluctant about lending out precious clams after getting burned by so many foreclosures, then... well, you get the idea. This crazy real-estate market is going to get a heckuva lot more interesting & turbulent before things start to settle down! Meh, I'll keep moving forward and just keep an eye on things...
... started participating more regularly once again in the MTBR.com forums. Getting psyched for riding!
... am watching season 5 of "24". Holy non-stop action, Batman! Sheesh, every single episode so far of that season is nuts! It's no good to have the whole season just sitting there right in front of me. No good at all. I must have something better to do. Right?!? ;)
... am reading The Historian. Again. Wicked awesome book. I'm not generally a fan of the whole Dracula genre, but this book is amazing.
... am not getting nearly enough sleep thanks to aforementioned DVDs and book. Hmmm.
Now playing: mazzy star - fade into you
of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Bike Follies, Life, New Flagpole
I am doing some annual maintenance on the bikes today, and I am definitely excited for spring and the new riding season to arrive! Call me a wuss or not a "real" rider if you will, but I detest riding in the winter. Cold & snow is not my idea of fun on a bike. Oh well. On the bright side, this is pretty decent weather for a nice long run - I'll knock one out this afternoon.
Now playing: st etienne - spring
1 of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Bike Follies
Whew! Getting out of the U.P. was not exactly fun. Yeah, not so much. The decision to leave in that nasty weather definitely blurred (rather literally in the form of whiteouts!) that fine line between sheer stupidity & macho bravado. That jury's still out ;)
Oh well, the important thing is that I made it back safely. Once I crossed over into Wisconsin and started headed southerly, the weather improved beautifully. Had the blizzardy stuff hanging around the U.P. lasted much longer than it did, I definitely would be shacked up somewhere other than home right now.
Today, I am grateful for all-wheel drive, anti-lock brakes, sure-footed all-weather tires, and a GPS accurate enough to tell me what side of the road I was on!
of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Board Games, Life
What a wonderful couple of days it's been! However, right now, there's a monster arctic front raging through - the wind (50 mph gusts!) is kicking up some big brrrr-chilly-looking waves on the Lake Superior shore just outside my window! It's very windy, snowy, and the temps are dropping quickly. It'll be a blizzardy night. I was very fortunate to have yesterday and today to be out on the slopes - I could not have asked for more ideal weather for the two days. My plan to leave tomorrow worked out well - I wouldn't want to have to brave being out on the slopes in conditions like these! Methinks the drive home will be enough of a challenge...
The conditions up here have been fantastic - Friday was particularly ideal. The Porkies are open Friday thru Monday, so on Friday morning, the 8 inches of fresh powder from earlier in the week was just waiting for riders. And there weren't many of us out there on Friday, so it was like having the place to practically all to yourself. The temps were in the high 20s, no wind, mostly sunny, and beautiful snow! Today was no slouch either, although it was busier, and the temps starting dropping in the mid-afternoon along with the wind starting to pick up as the front approached. That was fine though - I was about done at that point anyway, so it made good sense to call it a day.
I'd forgotten what a wonderful thing a vacation can be. I'm very good at rationalizing reasons why not to take a vacation, but there's just something about taking dedicated time away for yourself to do what you enjoy. I don't know what exactly it is, but it certainly does a mind & body good!
I spent the last couple of hours this afternoon riding only switch-stance, which for me is goofy foot. It was a good challenge to to consecutively ride entire runs switch, it definitely helps my overall riding ability. It can be more frustrating at times since it's not as natural of a stance (i.e. much like learning to ride all over again), but I like seeing myself improve - that's a good feeling! My rear-end and wrists may not agree, but they'll recover...
I've managed to keep this trip cheap, but my one splurge was to get a room with a jacuzzi bath. And, omigosh, that tub is worth every penny; I love it! Crank it up, grab an icy cold Gatorade, my book, and I can spend the entire evening in that thing ;)
of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Board Games
You would think that with all of the traveling I've done, I'd be a much better packer than I am. Ugh, this is a lot of stuff! Paris Hilton would be mighty proud of this bevy o' bags & gear ;)
"Well dontcha know, it's about time ta load up Ellie, eh? Oh ya, you betcha!" Haha, OK, I'll keep working on my Yooper...
Now playing: combustible edison - vertigogo
of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Board Games
Emboldened by my previous post, I have arrived at an important decision:
I'm going to grow my hair out.
Not hippie length or anything like a sensitive-ponytail-guy 'do, but something longer than my decade-plus short-hair M.O. Yep, as the picture would suggest, it's been a while. And if I'm going to do this, it has to be sooner than later, since my hairline is making a slow but steady retreat. And, no, this new length will never (ever!) transition into a comb-over. When that day finally arrives, the nugget is gonna get & stay shaved!
OK, now it's been published to the world, so I have to make good on it. ;) This should be interesting!
Now playing: beck - devil's haircut
1 of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Life
Life is full of difficult decisions, and as painful as they are to sometimes face, we would be cheated of untold potential for self-discovery & growth without the opportunity to deal squarely with them.
These circumstances are often made easier when we seek & find the support of those who care about us and our best interests. Many of us are blessed to have family and dear friends who can help guide us through life's scarier passes. Their experience and trusted advice is almost certainly welcome and sound. However, what is one to do when that is not in concert with your own views, thoughts, and feelings? How do you then balance other people's influence & advice in determining what's best? The inevitably resulting doubt can be all-consuming...
The bottom line is that - at the end of the day - we must be at peace with ourselves. How is this done? For me, difficult decisions require that I make as honest & objective assessment of the circumstance as possible. Weigh the pros & cons. Acknowledge and understand the risks involved. After all, there is almost certainly always a risk of getting 'hurt' in one form or another. Do I have as clear of an understanding of as many of those risks as I can possibly identify?
It is commonly at this point where we seek the advice & guidance of others who we trust. And what if we find their guidance to be uncharacteristically conflicting with our own feelings, then what? This is a troubling spot to be in! Is the 'problem' with them, or with us? Are we truly willing to listen to their concerns & perspectives? If not, why? If yes, then what is the 'sticking point'? What is uncharacteristic this time?
Faced with this, it is my experience that someone is not being completely forthright. Maybe it's me, maybe it's them. If it's them, then call them on it. How honest can the discussion get, not only about your own motivations, but theirs as well? Even the people we trust most can make mistakes and be selfish in their motivations. They may not even realize they are doing it, most often under the banner of 'protecting' us. Unfortunately, there may be rare times when they know full well the influence they have with us, and they use it inappropriately.
But what if the issue is with us? Are we being forthright with both ourselves and others about our motivations and the circumstance as a whole? Are we turning a blind eye to something daunting, or choosing inaction because it seems somehow easier or safer for us to do that? Or, similarly, are we trying to control the outcome of something that truly is beyond our control? If so, we are only cheating ourselves. Even if just a fleeting glimpse, we can almost certainly identify when we are doing these things. Do we then take brave right action, even when that seems terribly difficult and scary?
I strive to be at peace with my circumstances each & every day. When I am not going to bed with a relatively quiet mind & clear conscience, then I am obviously not at peace with something. Am I worried about what I will be doing for a job in 5-10 years? Am I worried where a current relationship will be in a year? Am I worried about the direction that [fill in the blank] is going? I find that I only worry about the future of things when I am at unrest with their current state. Am I willing to recognize that I have choices and options today - here & now - to take right action in order to bring me greater serenity? When I am discontented about a circumstance today, then of course projecting it anywhere in the future will be disparaging! So, why not establish ownership and responsibility by taking right & positive action now to mitigate the discord? Sound like a tall order?
of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Life
I am getting excited for my trip! I have a cool route planned out to get up there, and then I think I'll come through Duluth on the way home.
I put a fresh wax on Mizu last night, and got her all tuned up. Sheesh, icy hard-packed MN slopes are tough on equipment! Throughout the weekend, I am setting out things to pack as they occur to me. I have some stylee new tunes for the iPod, and the GPS is loaded up & ready to go.
Here's hopin' the weather cooperates - it looks good so far ;)
Now playing: the pixies - into the white
of y'all tellin' it like it is
File under: Board Games