Jury Duty = complete!
Late yesterday, 18 of us were randomly picked from the 80+ potential jurors for a case. Until we got to the courtroom, we didn't know if it would be a civil or criminal case.
We first learned that it would be a criminal case. "Oh, neat!"
Then we learned it would be a DUI case. "Ugh..."
We knew that today would begin with the jury selection process. Here, the judge and both attorneys get to ask whatever questions they feel are necessary to eliminate potential jurors based on applicable biases, prejudices, attitudes, etc.
I knew to expect some very pointed questions about our feelings and personal experiences with alcohol and drinking & driving. Not surprisingly, I had the most eyebrow-raising answers in terms of 'been there, done that'. After that questioning, we learned that only 6 of us would be picked. I did not previously know that only felony charges warrant 12-member juries, otherwise, it is just 6. "Well," I thought, "That definitely seals the deal then... Pretty soon, I'll be punted back to the jury pool downstairs for more waiting around." Imagine my surprise when I was named Juror #2...
I won't go into details about the case, but I will say that it was all an incredibly fascinating experience! As it turns out, there was much more to this particular case than what was on the surface, and then we learned even more interesting details after it was all over (long story there). After the trial was complete, the judge came to speak with us back in the deliberation room. I thought it was really neat that she came to discuss the case with us afterwards, and to answer our many questions.
As we were wrapping that up, the judge turned to me, smiled knowingly, and asked "So, were you surprised when you were named Juror #2?" I admitted that I certainly was! I asked how that worked in my case - I understood the obvious alcohol-related biases and prejudices that eliminated several of the potential jurors, but I certainly seemed to be a wild-card given there were still many ...ahem... 'less controversial' juror candidates available. She said she was impressed that I candidly answered the blunt questions with steady composure and a calm self-confidence. She acknowledged that I was a potential gamble per se, but she believed that my experiences would bring a unique & helpful perspective to the deliberations. What a lovely compliment that was!
It was a true honor to serve my community today as a juror, and I am very grateful for this enlightening opportunity - it certainly made for one heckuva birthday ;)
Now playing: the sugarcubes - birthday