Thursday, November 20, 2008

Things I learned today:

1.) ALWAYS check to make sure power is removed/unplugged before you touch an electrical circuit. Fortunately, my socket wrench & the thermal fuse took the brunt of that volt attack.

2.) Apparently, simply taping together electrical connections that routinely see 20+ amp flow is not a good idea. The repair man gave me a ...errr... I'll call it a disappointed look when he saw my handiwork with that. He was a great guy though, and I appreciate that he was willing to nicely explain some basic electrical stuff to me.

3.) My plain-jane dryer is a time-tested, well-respected, and extremely durable Kenmore-branded Whirlpool model (it's been through a lot!). But Energy Star compliant, it ain't. During parts of its cycle, it draws as much power as my central air conditioning unit. Yikes.

4.) Calling in a pro may hurt the ol' pride and pocketbook a little bit, but peace of mind is priceless ;)
Now playing: peter gabriel - shock the monkey

4 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

Yosra said...

Asalamu Alaykom,

LOL at the song choice!

Rachel said...

Energy Star makes me nerdily happy.

Electrocution is not something I would recommend.

Alex said...

I still remember the day I learned that the outlets and the overhead light in my bedroom were on separate fuses. Ouch.

Anonymous said...

haha those are some good lessons :)

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