Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Looking forward...

I am going to take a break from blogging for while. When I move, I'll send out updated contact info to friends and family, so please watch your inboxes for that. Thanks, and take care...

To thine own self be true
Now playing: ella fitzgerald - goodnight my love

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Reading over my recent posts, I've been rather unhappy with my weekday mileage. And that's true - it's not where I want it to be. And, as much as I'd like to improve it, I now face a very busy month or so ahead with the upcoming move.

So, I'll do the best I can in the meantime. The long-distance Saturday runs have been going well. It was just 2 of us from the group this past Saturday, but we did 14 miles around The Lakes - not too shabby. We later found out that a certain savvy someone did 14.5 miles on Saturday while she was out-of-town. Show-off ;-) All 4 of us from the group should be in town for this coming Saturday's adventure, so that'll be nice.

I'm getting excited for the move, but not so much about the packing. Yeah, not so much that. On the bright side, the timing of everything is working out just about perfectly. I'll have time after closing to get some interior painting, cleaning, and other prettying up done before needing to move anything over. Now, just gotta figure out how to fit some good runs in - the TCM will be here before I know it!
Now playing: roger miller - king of the road

Thursday, July 24, 2008

One step closer!

Today, I found out that I cleared the last big hurdle enroute to the closing table... The VA assessor signed off on my house with no work-order requirements, so it finally looks like everything is a GO...

Earlier this week, I learned that my loan package had been endorsed by the underwriter, so it nice to know that the money is all set. I'm very grateful that I was able to lock in my 5.99% interest rate before those starting climbing again recently.

Although I won't really celebrate until I'm walking away from the closing table with keys in hand, it's starting to look like I'm going to be a new homeowner in just under 3 weeks from now. :-)
Now playing: lyrics born - stay loose (jimmy smith)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Errr... Monthly update?

I apologize for the lack of updates recently; I've just been busy. And there's really nothing much new or exciting to report right now. Hoping to have more news on the house later this week.

Running is going well - my weekday mileage still isn't consistently where I want it to be, but I'm finishing our Saturday long-distance runs just fine, so that's good. We did 13.5 miles all around "The Lakes" here in Minneapolis yesterday, and I feel great today. So, until this house ordeal is over, I'll just have to be happy with current efforts.

Otherwise, life is going great - this has certainly been a wonderful and blessed spring & summer thus far!
Now playing: cassandra wilson - the good life

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend Update

I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing holiday weekend!

Mine has been great - fun get-togethers with new friends, nice fireworks shows to celebrate the 4th, a Sunday afternoon flea-market adventure, and still time to catch up on things around the house.

I'm excited to have a very promising new house-hunting development, but I'll hold off on more details until later this week. House-hunting has overall been an interesting learning experience for me. I've certainly learned a lot about the real-estate and home-ownership processes, but it's also taught me a lot about myself - my motivations, my capabilities, my likes/dislikes, my goals, etc. Good stuff - not always easy things to tackle or figure out, but definitely good for me to face squarely.

My running schedule is still not close to being back where I want it to be, but hopefully, I get squared away this upcoming week. That's the plan anyway ;-)
Now playing: the orb - little fluffy clouds

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2 years!

In some ways, two years ago seems so incredibly long ago, and in other ways, it seems like yesterday. Two years ago, it was impossible for me to imagine that my life would be as rich & blessed as it is today - I am humbled and very grateful.

One day at a time. That's how I got here, and that's how I plan to move forward.

A work in progress...
Now playing: thievery corporation - un simple histoire (a simple story)

Plan, plan, and plan again...

The hunt continues. Nothing very interesting to report as of now; I'll be back out looking at properties again tomorrow evening.

I was far too optimistic with my initial forecast of how quickly I would find a place. I'm learning that my experience thus far (a few early strikes) is completely par for the course, and that I shouldn't be at all discouraged. The biggest concern of mine recently is what I would do when my current apartment lease ends and I still have no house lined up. However, I am happy to report today that I have made arrangements that give me welcome additional breathing room. I am hugely relieved, and I am confident that I'll find my own wonderful home soon!
Now playing: diana krall - let's face the music and dance