Monday, March 31, 2008

To the 9s

I'm fortunate that I don't have a strict dress code at work. We can't wear t-shirts, flip-flops, or anything too lounge-ish (all perfectly reasonable), but it's an otherwise very laid-back environment. But since I do own some nice dress clothes, I decided a while back that I'd start wearing a shirt, tie, and pants for my own Dress Up Mondays. I'm not quite willing to go so far as wearing one of my suits yet, but maybe once in a while in the future just to mix it up. For whatever reason, it's more fun to dress up when no one is making you do it. Funny how that works.

And then today... The inches of slush and all that wet & sticky snow falling while trekking-waiting-trekking for the Light Rail portion of my commute -- not the best day to voluntarily be all snazzed up in nice duds. Oh well. The shoes can be cleaned & shined, and the pants can be dry-cleaned. No big deal. It was still worth it. I enjoy the double-take folks at work still give me when they see me on Mondays; it's rather fun.

I hope everyone out there had a lovely weekend - I know that I certainly did! ;)
Now playing: big bad voodoo daddy - go daddy-o

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Only Tuesday?!?

It's been a long week already. Work is busy, which is good, but I've gone in early the last two mornings to catch up on some grunt-work projects when the office is nice & quiet. I'm feeling it catch up to me tonight though; I'm looking forward to a hot, relaxing soak in the tub and then off to bed.

And today was particularly interesting at work due to some office drama (unrelated to me, thankfully!). Today was a good day to be a worker-bee; I'm glad I didn't have to be on the management side of the fence for this one. Some days I don't at all miss having to wear that hat, and today was one of those days. All things considered, I have much to be grateful for tonight.
Now playing: uncle tupelo - wipe the clock

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter!
Now playing: wax - happy happy joy joy

Bad Bunny

Now playing: beastie boys - egg man

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A break in programming...

I've been a fan of this blog for a while now, and I'd like to share the love with my own dear readers (I'm sure some of you have seen it already). The posts are all just so darn true; it's hard not to laugh out loud. Heck, it's good to laugh at yourself sometimes - life is cruel enough as it is ;)
Now playing: wilco - pot kettle black

A new transfusion

Good news? I guess time will tell...

For now, it's time for a nice run before yoga tonight - what a gorgeous day!
Now playing: the offspring - come out and play

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sorta like an Easter Egg hunt...

Some of you may remember my snowblower incident from earlier this season.

The spring thaw has given back a few keys so far. My Mom & Dad have been very good sports about combing over the debris field as the snowbank has been slowly whittled down - thanks! So far, all of the recovered keys still work just fine. And they don't look too shabby, given everything that they went through (literally!)

So, maybe the couple of others remaining will turn up too. April showers bring... May Hondas? May Yakima roof racks? May mailboxes? And, if not, then I'm sure the good ol' lawnmower will dutifully find any others still unaccounted for later ring. Yep, that sounds about right ;)

~~~March 20th UPDATE ~~~
All keys have been found! How amazing is that?!? Thanks, St Anthony - I owe ya one. And HUGE thanks to my Mom & Dad - your efforts in finding those needles in that haystack are very kind, and much appreciated! Thanks - the next dinner outing is on me ;)
Now playing: the chemical brothers - let forever be

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I was planning on really tearing into the house-buying stuff today. Crunching numbers, researching mortgage and loan options, etc, etc. And I have indeed made some good progress there. But, wow, the more I really get into this stuff, the more confusing it gets. I decided I need to stop trying to be so dang smart, and just finally sit down with a realtor sooner rather than later to discuss my options. I've finally (yes, I'm stubborn!) come to the conclusion that trying to wade through ALL of this available information without expert help is just causing me wasted time & effort. I'll get a credit report ordered up here, and then make an appointment for sometime in the week or two. My financial situation (in terms of what I can afford for monthly mortgage payments based on some of the gazillion calculators out there) seems to be OK enough to move forward, so I'll press...

Now, it's time to get outside & enjoy the beautiful day!
Now playing: the flying lizards - money

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Somebody pinch me!

But not on my ulnar nerve. The Ergon GX-1 mountain bike grips I ordered sometime last season for Boo-Boo are finally arriving to me this week. These things caused a lot of stir when this svelte new design first debuted, but then they suffered one "they're right around the corner! no, seriously, this time we mean it!" production delay after another. I had given up on ever seeing a set, but good ol' Speedgoat has hooked me up with one of the first sets they got in. Yeah, stupid little things like this make me happy ;)

Just had to share some bike-geek excitement there. Carry on...
Now playing: U2 - hallelujah here she comes

The Dating Game

Who knows why - perhaps because Spring is in the air? - but I've recently been asked quite a bit as to why I'm still not involved in a relationship...

I know that if it's His will for me, then God will put the right woman in my life, and I trust that will be made clear to me at the proper time. Perhaps I even already know her, but the circumstances for a different level of relationship just aren't there yet.

Or, it could be that I'm simply destined to stay single. There's certainly plenty of evidence in my track record thus far that would suggest to some that may not be such a bad idea! While I hope that's not the case, I am OK with that too. In the past, when I've despaired about my relationship status (or lack thereof), I errantly pursued and/or tried to maintain ones that were all wrong, and--of course--none of that worked out well.

So, I know and accept that the right answer is to leave it in God's hands, and in the meantime, I must just be ready. How? Stay sober. Continue working my recovery Program rigorously & honestly. Do the next right thing. Be a good & true friend. Don't spend too much time in my own head (it's a bad neighborhood to walk alone in!). Trust.

I can be patient. Heck, I must be patient. Meanwhile, I've always got some work to do ;)

A work in progress...
Now playing: the stone roses - love spreads

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I was told there would be cake?!?

I've never been one to make a big deal about my birthdays. Since it always seemed to fall during or very close to a spring break from school (elementary through college), the prospect of that exciting time off usually held more thrill & distraction for me than my birthday. Well, that is, once I outgrew getting all fired up about birthday presents & ice-cream parties! And then once I was in the USAF, it always seemed like I was busy out on the road or deployed over my birthday, so it was just another day workin' for The Man.

But I have to admit that as much as I pooh-pooh my own birthday, I do enjoy it when others make me celebrate it anyway :) I had a very pleasant low-key dinner with my parents and sister tonight, and it was really nice - I appreciated that they took time away from their busy lives to make it a special lil' event for me. The other siblings made time to contact me recently and wish me a Happy Birthday too. Very cool! I truly am blessed with an awesome family. We are a quite the bunch of ...errrr... unique individuals, but we are so fortunate to have each other - we make a pretty darn good team. Thanks family - you guys all rock!

I was also blessed to get many birthday well-wishes from friends - far more so than in past years. It made me realize how many good & sincere friends I've made since getting sober, and how many 'old' friends I've reconnected with since then. None of that would've happened without the gift of my recovery, and I am very grateful today for that - thank you, friends!

Oh well, I suppose that saying I'm in my "mid 30s" doesn't sound so bad ;)
Now playing: presidents of the usa - kick out the jams

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A view from the other side...

Jury Duty = complete!

Late yesterday, 18 of us were randomly picked from the 80+ potential jurors for a case. Until we got to the courtroom, we didn't know if it would be a civil or criminal case.

We first learned that it would be a criminal case. "Oh, neat!"

Then we learned it would be a DUI case. "Ugh..."

We knew that today would begin with the jury selection process. Here, the judge and both attorneys get to ask whatever questions they feel are necessary to eliminate potential jurors based on applicable biases, prejudices, attitudes, etc.

I knew to expect some very pointed questions about our feelings and personal experiences with alcohol and drinking & driving. Not surprisingly, I had the most eyebrow-raising answers in terms of 'been there, done that'. After that questioning, we learned that only 6 of us would be picked. I did not previously know that only felony charges warrant 12-member juries, otherwise, it is just 6. "Well," I thought, "That definitely seals the deal then... Pretty soon, I'll be punted back to the jury pool downstairs for more waiting around." Imagine my surprise when I was named Juror #2...

I won't go into details about the case, but I will say that it was all an incredibly fascinating experience! As it turns out, there was much more to this particular case than what was on the surface, and then we learned even more interesting details after it was all over (long story there). After the trial was complete, the judge came to speak with us back in the deliberation room. I thought it was really neat that she came to discuss the case with us afterwards, and to answer our many questions.

As we were wrapping that up, the judge turned to me, smiled knowingly, and asked "So, were you surprised when you were named Juror #2?" I admitted that I certainly was! I asked how that worked in my case - I understood the obvious alcohol-related biases and prejudices that eliminated several of the potential jurors, but I certainly seemed to be a wild-card given there were still many ...ahem... 'less controversial' juror candidates available. She said she was impressed that I candidly answered the blunt questions with steady composure and a calm self-confidence. She acknowledged that I was a potential gamble per se, but she believed that my experiences would bring a unique & helpful perspective to the deliberations. What a lovely compliment that was!

It was a true honor to serve my community today as a juror, and I am very grateful for this enlightening opportunity - it certainly made for one heckuva birthday ;)
Now playing: the sugarcubes - birthday

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Circle

One lasting takeaway from my USAF career was something I learned at the Resistance Training portion of SERE school. We were taught to picture our essential needs as being contained in a circle. In a POW situation, these are quite simple – medical attention, food & water, and other Geneva Convention rights. It would be our goal to maneuver all interactions with our captors to be 'inside the circle' – to not let them pull us outside of it and get us off-balance. Whenever drawn out of the circle, we would need to focus our energy on getting back inside as quickly as possible. "Look, I can't remember anything about that secret radio on the plane because all I can think of is that I haven't eaten in 4 days and you just yanked my shoulder out of its socket. Give me medical attention, let me eat and rest, and *then* maybe I will be able to think more clearly". You get the idea.

I still often use this circle of well-being analogy to understand & assess circumstances in my life. When thus discontented about something, what got me out of my circle? Did someone pull me out? No; inevitably, I left it on my own accord. My ego is usually to blame - everything outside of my current circle has unreasonable selfishness at its foundation. I choose to upset my healthy balance & flow by disproportionally pursuing something outside– whether it's some 'point' or idea, a 'last word', or some other explanation or defense of something not truly worth my energy & attention.

I know fully well when I'm outside of my circle. Physically, I'm on edge; my 'fight or flight' instincts kick in. Even mildly, I still feel those instincts transform my body and thoughts. Though I am not in physical danger (hopefully!), I am certainly in emotional danger, and nothing good ever comes from that. I must honestly assess the most prudent way to get back inside my circle, and thus rightly return to the serenity and sanity present there. Most often, it is not the easiest or shortest route, though that one may be most tempting! When I understand & admit that I'm the one who actioned myself out of my circle, the true path back in then assuredly becomes clear. But that admission can be one heckuva tall order sometimes, especially in the heat of the moment ;)

Progress, not perfection.
Keep moving forward one step at a time.
Do the next right thing.
Keep inside the circle!

A work in progress…
Now playing: jack johnson - times like these

Sunday, March 9, 2008

You too?!?

Isn't it reassuring to realize that you aren't the only one dealing with 'stuff'? This may be an odd segue to that warm-fuzzy concept, but today I read a fellow Blogger's post that got me thinking about it. They mentioned that when cold & tired, it's all too easy to let your running form get slack, with one result being your shoe slicing across the inner ankle bone during strides. When it's cold out, you tend not to notice yourself doing this since your ankles are so numbed, and it can quickly get raw enough that it bleeds. I had to smile as I read her post because my right ankle is currently band-aided from doing the exact same thing yesterday. It's a bummer deal because it can take a long time to heal if you end up hitting it again later and re-opening it. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

It's always nice to learn that you're not alone - even with the little things!
Now playing: the white stripes - icky thump

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Off my game this week

Crimony. Now that I look, it's been a pretty blah week on Blogger for me. Teeth-gnashing laments over my on-again-off-again Jury Duty saga, and then a silly don't-let-the-bastards-get-(me)-down post earlier today that could've only been made more lame & self-approving if "I Will Survive" or the Rocky theme music was blasting the background. Ugh. C'mon, Chris; time to get it together, man!

OK, time to get off my arse and go get something constructive done. Grocery shopping sounds like a fine place to start. Peace out ;)
Now playing: wilco - why would you wanna live

Jury Duty update

I will be going in on Monday morning for Jury Duty. No idea yet what to expect, but I'm looking forward to it. Perhaps it'll just end up being a whole lotta "hurry up & wait", but I hope it'll be an interesting experience nontheless. We shall see...

Don't forget to spring forward tonight!
Now playing: spin doctors - what time is it

Moving on...

Meh. Dead horse post undeserving of further attention. Deleted.
Now playing: leeway - stand for

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday news

I'm off the hook for Jury Duty all this week. Next weekend, I'll call in and see what's in store for Monday. I'm grateful they aren't dragging it out day-by-day this week; now at least I can get a reasonable amount of work done at my real job.

There's a couple of old Air Force buds I've heard from recently that I need to contact back - folks I didn't really expect to ever hear from. Very cool - I'm excited to catch up with them! It's interesting to see how many of us gave up 'the life' and got out. It's just something that seemed so far away back at the time... Sheesh, how time flies!

Well, I guess that's about it. I was thinking about getting into something else, but I think I'll sleep on it first. So, I beg pardon for the unexciting post - I'll try to come up with better stuff for next time ;) Until then, stay warm... Brrr!
Now playing: paul westerberg - waiting for somebody

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I called into the Jury Duty hotline, and I do not have to report in tomorrow. My group number is not one of the ones going at all in tomorrow, and now I have to call back on Monday after 5:00 to see if I'm on the hook for Tuesday.

This is all quite unexpected! If this "Not today, but call back later about tomorrow..." nonsense keeps up for the next two weeks, then I'm going to be rather unpopular at work. My job is such that I can't really work just one day at a time - the projects I manage are primarily multi-day ones, so it doesn't make good sense for me to start ones that I'm not confident I can finish in a timely manner. Ugh.

Bollocks to your silly system, Dakota County. I hope you have something for me to do on Tuesday!
Now playing: the stone roses - fools gold