Sunday, March 9, 2008

You too?!?

Isn't it reassuring to realize that you aren't the only one dealing with 'stuff'? This may be an odd segue to that warm-fuzzy concept, but today I read a fellow Blogger's post that got me thinking about it. They mentioned that when cold & tired, it's all too easy to let your running form get slack, with one result being your shoe slicing across the inner ankle bone during strides. When it's cold out, you tend not to notice yourself doing this since your ankles are so numbed, and it can quickly get raw enough that it bleeds. I had to smile as I read her post because my right ankle is currently band-aided from doing the exact same thing yesterday. It's a bummer deal because it can take a long time to heal if you end up hitting it again later and re-opening it. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

It's always nice to learn that you're not alone - even with the little things!
Now playing: the white stripes - icky thump

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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