Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Dating Game

Who knows why - perhaps because Spring is in the air? - but I've recently been asked quite a bit as to why I'm still not involved in a relationship...

I know that if it's His will for me, then God will put the right woman in my life, and I trust that will be made clear to me at the proper time. Perhaps I even already know her, but the circumstances for a different level of relationship just aren't there yet.

Or, it could be that I'm simply destined to stay single. There's certainly plenty of evidence in my track record thus far that would suggest to some that may not be such a bad idea! While I hope that's not the case, I am OK with that too. In the past, when I've despaired about my relationship status (or lack thereof), I errantly pursued and/or tried to maintain ones that were all wrong, and--of course--none of that worked out well.

So, I know and accept that the right answer is to leave it in God's hands, and in the meantime, I must just be ready. How? Stay sober. Continue working my recovery Program rigorously & honestly. Do the next right thing. Be a good & true friend. Don't spend too much time in my own head (it's a bad neighborhood to walk alone in!). Trust.

I can be patient. Heck, I must be patient. Meanwhile, I've always got some work to do ;)

A work in progress...
Now playing: the stone roses - love spreads

2 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

Anonymous said...

ditto to like the billionth degree. I hate that question- So, AP, a person like you? SINGLE???? WOW.

ughhhh... it's so stupid. but i completely 110% agree. we are soooo in the same boat my blogger friend, you have no idea.

:) but yay for spring. I'm so excited to get outside!!!!!!

Chris H. said...

Preach it, sister! And since I've left the Air Force, I've discovered another interesting twist on the whole 'being 30-something & single' thing - people think you then must be gay. "Well, he dresses nicely, he got out of the military for some reason, and he's single, soooo..." That was an amusing rumor to hear float around work for a while. Ugh. C'mon people! ***Disclaimer: I have nothing whatsoever against gay folks, I just don't play for that team.

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