Sunday, March 2, 2008


I called into the Jury Duty hotline, and I do not have to report in tomorrow. My group number is not one of the ones going at all in tomorrow, and now I have to call back on Monday after 5:00 to see if I'm on the hook for Tuesday.

This is all quite unexpected! If this "Not today, but call back later about tomorrow..." nonsense keeps up for the next two weeks, then I'm going to be rather unpopular at work. My job is such that I can't really work just one day at a time - the projects I manage are primarily multi-day ones, so it doesn't make good sense for me to start ones that I'm not confident I can finish in a timely manner. Ugh.

Bollocks to your silly system, Dakota County. I hope you have something for me to do on Tuesday!
Now playing: the stone roses - fools gold

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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