Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I was told there would be cake?!?

I've never been one to make a big deal about my birthdays. Since it always seemed to fall during or very close to a spring break from school (elementary through college), the prospect of that exciting time off usually held more thrill & distraction for me than my birthday. Well, that is, once I outgrew getting all fired up about birthday presents & ice-cream parties! And then once I was in the USAF, it always seemed like I was busy out on the road or deployed over my birthday, so it was just another day workin' for The Man.

But I have to admit that as much as I pooh-pooh my own birthday, I do enjoy it when others make me celebrate it anyway :) I had a very pleasant low-key dinner with my parents and sister tonight, and it was really nice - I appreciated that they took time away from their busy lives to make it a special lil' event for me. The other siblings made time to contact me recently and wish me a Happy Birthday too. Very cool! I truly am blessed with an awesome family. We are a quite the bunch of ...errrr... unique individuals, but we are so fortunate to have each other - we make a pretty darn good team. Thanks family - you guys all rock!

I was also blessed to get many birthday well-wishes from friends - far more so than in past years. It made me realize how many good & sincere friends I've made since getting sober, and how many 'old' friends I've reconnected with since then. None of that would've happened without the gift of my recovery, and I am very grateful today for that - thank you, friends!

Oh well, I suppose that saying I'm in my "mid 30s" doesn't sound so bad ;)
Now playing: presidents of the usa - kick out the jams

2 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! You better go celebrate it up! Cake and special dinners pretty much rock. And yay for the sibs taking time to say happy Bday. It's great to know you have friends and family there for you.

Don't forget to make a birthday wish! :)

Chris H. said...

Thanks! Good point about the birthday wish - I had forgotten. Done! ;)

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