Sunday, July 20, 2008

Errr... Monthly update?

I apologize for the lack of updates recently; I've just been busy. And there's really nothing much new or exciting to report right now. Hoping to have more news on the house later this week.

Running is going well - my weekday mileage still isn't consistently where I want it to be, but I'm finishing our Saturday long-distance runs just fine, so that's good. We did 13.5 miles all around "The Lakes" here in Minneapolis yesterday, and I feel great today. So, until this house ordeal is over, I'll just have to be happy with current efforts.

Otherwise, life is going great - this has certainly been a wonderful and blessed spring & summer thus far!
Now playing: cassandra wilson - the good life

1 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

Anonymous said...

hahah oh well. when ya dont feel like writting, you dont feel like writing. but yay for the update! and yay for all the running!

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