Friday, June 5, 2009


I am confident that we've now seen the last of my stalker ex-gf and her rancorous harassment.

Earlier this week, she was confronted on the phone by one of her latest targets. She was advised on no uncertain terms that the harassment would cease immediately. She acknowledged that message, and stated it would not happen again.

To follow up on that, I have explored possible legal action that I myself can take. I've been counseled to provide her one final warning to forever cease all harassment and unsolicited communication to me, and my friends & family members. That has been done; I have emailed her that message today, and - God willing - that will be the last communication that I (or anyone else in my life) will ever have with her. I made it very clear what consequence would result if she were to disregard these messages.

In the future, if any of you out there receive any form of derogatory communication from her regarding your association to me (as I've mentioned before, it would be glaringly obvious in tone & content), please do let me know - I am now well prepared to escalate it immediately.

Thank you all for your support and help through this week - it's very much appreciated!
Now playing: beastie boys - something's got to give

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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