Sunday, June 1, 2008

Why I do what I do

I started this blog primarily to document my Recovery experience, both good & bad. It has been a therapeutic way for me to share insight into this epic journey of mine with family & friends by providing a convenient way for me to express things that I may not be ready or willing to talk directly about for whatever reason.

And, hopefully for others, it has been an effective advocation for the miraculous capacity of the 12-Step recovery program by sharing my own experience, strength, and hope.

Over time, my blog has grown into a place to share all sorts of things about me. Because of my success in recovery, The Promises of AA are all steadily coming true, and I am genuinely gaining back my life (on life's terms!) - an unbelievably fantastic & exciting new version of it.

At different points, I've considered restricting access to my blog, or starting a new blog for various different things, but I've always finally decided that this blog must stay public, open, and available to all. If I'm not comfortable sharing what I have share with everyone & anyone, then that hints at some personal unrest or paranoia, and those aren't healthy things for me to enable or foster.

Sure, there are occasionally some topics that I'd initially love to blog (i.e. vent) about, but in the end, those wouldn't be productive or healthy things for me to highlight or dwell on anyway. Recovery has taught me the value of letting go and personal housecleaning & mindfulness, so harboring or validating any feelings which breed a sense of unrest or resentment for me is very counter-productive. In that sense then, this blog also provides me a very tangible reality check whenever I sit down to post.

So, any & all will always be welcome here to my blog - I hope that you find overall my experiences shared here a hopeful & bright testament to the miracle of Recovery.

I still am (and always will be!) far from perfect, and I certainly make mistakes as I move forward; but today, I am willing, able, and strong. Just two short years ago, I was none of those things. By the grace of God, I will continue sincere & humble effort in strengthening and nurturing my Recovery journey - after all, it's one I will be on for the rest of my natural life ;-) Thanks for stopping by - enjoy!

A work in progress...
Now playing: nina simone - feeling good

3 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

Anonymous said...

Blogs are a fantastic way to discover more about yourself or to share any insights you might have. I've always enjoyed reading. You make really good points that are relatable to everyone. And bunches of thanks for all the comments you've written on any of my blogs!


Jamie Willow said...

I'm all for keeping it public for the exact reasons you mentioned. There are way better and more appropriate venues for venting and such :) I like reading you so keep it coming!



Chris H. said...

Thanks to you both for the kind words! :-)

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