Monday, April 28, 2008


My blog got a lot of hits today from USAA. I wonder if that bodes well for me, or not? Meh, what's done is done - hopefully, they liked what they read :)

USAA contacted me today about getting the MoversAdvantage program set up, so that was great & fast service! And by the end of the day, their recommended local realtor called me, but I was on the train and couldn't take the call. I will follow up with her in the morning...

So, big kudos to USAA so far. Now, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that all of the financing works out in the end. Even if/when I get the pre-approval, I may well find out that what I'm looking for in an abode is not congruent with my current financial situation overall, so we'll just have to see how it all plays out. I am excited to be getting hooked up with a USAA-blessed realtor though - good stuff!
Now playing: presidents of the usa - back porch

2 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

Jamie Willow said...

I have to tell you something kind of funny and kind of fabulous...I had a wedding shower tonight and a bunch of girls bought me a...wait for it...STEAMER!!! lol one of them apparently read the comment I left on your blog and thought it would be the perfect gift. I can't wait to bust it out!

I thought you would enjoy knowing you inspired a gift into my life! it's fun to inspire good things...

and so glad you are moving forward and feeling good about the whole house thing...I wish you much wisdom in the whole process!!!

Chris H. said...

Thanks for sharing that Jamie!

Cool stuff - I'm very happy to hear I contributed to the celebration albeit rather roundaboutly :)

Congrats! I'm sure this must be an unbelievably exciting time for you - rejoice & be glad!

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