Sunday, September 21, 2008

He's alive!

Where to start?... It's been a while!

The knee feels good lately. No running there for a while because of it, but this past week, I've started to run a bit again. Lots of ice and a steady diet of Aleve has certainly helped. I did 10 miles today, and everything felt great. Barring a re-injury (fingers crossed!), I'm now back at the point of definitely planning to start the TCM. I'll up the daily mileage this week, and go for one last long run this coming weekend to test those waters.

The house is looking purty sweet. I'm trying to clear out the yard and what I like to call The Gardens (ha!) before the cold weather rolls in. Lots of little maples and elms were growing in The Gardens, all along the fence lines, and too near the house foundation. Those all had to go. What I couldn't dig up (which wasn't much - even the teeny ones have roots from hell), I just had to cut back & down. PITA. So, although I got a lot of clearing out done this weekend, I still have plenty more to do. Next on the list is some serious weeding, and then transplanting some ferns and hostas to better places around the homestead. The rest of the exterior plans will then have to wait until next year.

People have been bugging me for pics of the new casa, so I'll try to get some posted in the near future.

To my dear family and good friends - be on the lookout for an email soon with my updated contact info. I'll give y'all my new mailing address, and a new primary email address that I'm starting to use. I'll get that email out this week.

Otherwise, life is good. It's nice to have the whole "settling into the new house" scene finally down to a dull roar. For the past month, I've been eating, sleeping, and breathing new house. I'm looking forward to some great fall mountain biking (yay for night riding!), and just getting back out there in general ;-)

GPS Rundown:
Minnehaha variation
10.04 miles / 1:21:29 time / 8:07 pace
Now playing: joe venuti & eddie lang - goin' places

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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