Friday, September 5, 2008

It's Friday?

That's the crazy thing about time off work - days just start running together. Spent some time on the outside of the house today. I mowed and cleaned out the gutters. It's been at least a month since the yard was mowed, so that was quite a bit to chew through. And I'm very glad I did the gutters - they were completely filled with dirt, debris, and even baby trees. And I took down that stupid satellite dish that was on my roof. I left only the base of it on (since it may just damage the roof to attempt removing it now), but it's great to have that worthless eyesore gone.

Tonight, I'll start putting the living room together. All of the painting turned out really well; I'm very happy with it.

Good run today. I had some pent-up energy I worked out during the run - felt good.

GPS Rundown:
Nokomis loop variation
6.90 miles / 53:39 time / 7:46 pace
Now playing: sonic youth - one hundred percent

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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