Monday, August 4, 2008

Dear diary,

Since I'm down to an army-of-one for my TCM training preparation, I'm going to start checking in daily here with how I'm doing. It'll help keep me honest ;-) And starting this past Sunday, I now have a way to use GPS on my runs, so I'll be posting exact mileages (as long as it works!) Unfortunately, the GPS interface doesn't play well yet with Macs, so you are just going to have to take my word for it...

Starting last Saturday (8/2 pre-GPS): I'll call it 16 miles. I walked for a while after I rolled my ankle over, and I became too impatient trying to use gmap-pedometer to figure out how much I actually did. 16 seems fair enough.

Sunday (8/3): 4.55 miles (Rogers Lake Figure-8 route). Note to self: pace much improved with new aerodynamic cranium.

Today: 0 miles. Took the day off to let the legs recover. My quads wanted it. On the plus side, my ankle felt completely normal on yesterday's run. I swear that thing is pure rubber - it may fold over easy, but it just bounces right back. How fast it recovers is freakish, considering that it pops (ick!) all fully out of joint when I roll it. Oh well, I'm just happy that it's fine.

I'm planning to hit the trusty ol' Rogers Figure-8 tomorrow morning. For tonight, packing calls...
Now playing: chet thomas - you're my thrill

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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