Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hump Day

Knee is still all good. Had lunch with one of my brothers today. It's always great to catch up with him; I really enjoy our lunch get-togethers downtown. He asked how the marathon prep was going (he's done several himself) - when I told him that I was considering doing a big-mileage run this weekend to test out the knee, he wisely steered me away from that idea. Sometimes, we just need that simple sanity check from someone else to know the right course of action to take. Thanks for the vector, big bro!

My plan is to keep on with my ~5 mile morning runs through next week (I enjoy them - Lake Nokomis is uniquely peaceful at that early hour), and to run the last part of the marathon course this weekend. From his own TCM experiences, my brother had some excellent insight on how that last stretch of the course is going to feel at various points. Good stuff!

Other than that, I've been doing some exterior caulking on the house (around the window & door frames, the basement block-windows, etc). A few more exterior things to take care of before the cold & dark of fall sets in, but I should be able to get the big-picture stuff accomplished.

Today's "Doh!" new homeowner lesson: Caulk guns do not have an off switch, so set it down in between beads - continuing to grip it will inevitably just ooze more out. And, overall, they require a much lighter touch than one may first imagine. Ugh.

GPS Rundown:
Lake Nokomis loop mod
5.05 miles / 39:45 time / 7:52 pace
Now playing: pilooski - take care of business (nina simone)

2 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend Carrie was training for Grandma's and she started having knee issues near her "peak" training days...she gave it a loooong rest.
Headed up to Duluth w/ her husband (who also trained for it) and since she was still registered she thought she would give it a try...she finished and did fantastic...GO FOR IT!!!
Can we do an early Saturday morning coffee on the 11th?

Chris H. said...

Thanks for sharing that & the good words of encouragement, Greta - I'm getting really excited for the marathon! Coffee early on the 11th sounds good; I'll plan on it - I'll be in touch soon to sort out the details...

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