Saturday, July 21, 2007

Past Lives

I do get reminiscent about flying the mighty Herk once in a while. The local Guard & Reserve units' formation departures & recoveries go right over my place, so I get to hear "The Four Fans Of Freedom" on a regular basis . I like it. It reminds me of where I've been and how far I've come.

As a USAF Weapons School graduate, I was ever reminded to "be the humble servant". Today, that term has new meaning for me, and it is still something I strive for in this new life. I am proud of the work I did in the Air Force, and of everything I accomplished while in service.

Someone once asked me, "If you could go back and change anything, what would it be?" I thought hard about it - there seemed to be no end to the obvious candidates! But I said, "Nothing. I wouldn't change a thing." My journey thus far has been very difficult at times, but I must trust there is a greater overall purpose to all of it. Just because it's not all clear to me yet (and may never be completely), I feel that all of my experiences - good & bad - serve an important purpose. I need to be open to learning as much as I can, and must continue to grow as a stronger and better person. Today, I am on that path. Today, I am a blessed & very grateful recovering alcoholic.

A work in progress...

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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