Saturday, August 4, 2007

Just do it

"Let him that would move the world, first move himself" - Socrates

When I am discontented with some aspect of my life, it is because I am not taking positive action to right or better that circumstance. Whether it's me being "King Baby" on my pity pot or just plain sloth, discontentment is surely the result. The danger here is that more treacherous feelings such as resentment, despair, or apathy can take hold & insidiously grow from that discontentment.

This is a slippery slope, and I must be vigilant against it. I must remember that words and action go together.

Today, I thought of all this because I have been dragging my feet with giving my apartment a thorough cleaning. Perhaps it's trivial & silly, but that fact that I haven't begun this yet is rather bothering me. Why am I making excuses to myself for not just starting this, when I know it's the right thing to do? Interesting. OK, OK, I'll start ;)

A work in progress...

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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