Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wheel good news

It's wonderful news, I must say…
Pookie's new hoops are on the way!
Packed up today, in Brown Santa's sleigh,
Scheduled to arrive sometime Friday!

But, alas, I'll only believe it when I finally get "hands on" that yummy box… After all, my luck with much-anticipated Friday deliveries hasn't been so stellar (there were two other botches before the one I mentioned in my first-ever blog post). Already, UPS is showing the tracking status as an "exception". However, they reassured me just now that was only for a weight adjustment, and that the package should still be on schedule for Friday, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up yet. Maybe I should rattle some chicken bones at those mischievous weather deities who are the usual suspects behind my delayed Friday-delivery buffooneries...

At any rate, there seems to be a pretty decent chance here that I'll have Pookie up & running over the weekend – that would be most excellent! Heck, I'll still be excited even if the delivery does rolex till Monday - it'd still be sooner than I was expecting before...

Happy trails & good dirt!

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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