Friday, August 17, 2007

Pookie lives!

And even Munch's screamer is stoked on the glad tidings.

Pook's hoops arrived on schedule today, and I got 'er all built up this evening (some pics now posted in her gallery). I didn't have a chance to do anything aside from riding around the block a few times to test the brakes out, so I'm excited to get Pooker back in some good dirt ASAPly.

However, I'll be busy with other stuff tomorrow (hosting a lasagna dinner - wish me luck!), and it also sounds like rain is definitely enroute. So it goes - I'll get on the trails again soon enough, and will just have to be patient until then...

Happy trails & good dirt!
Now playing: electronic - feel every beat

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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