Monday, January 14, 2008

Comm Ed

Honestly, I've never really looked through any of the Community Ed catalogs I get seasonally. However, there's some great stuff in here! Now, I'm not saying I'm going to sign up for anything more than the real estate class just yet, but I'm definitely considering some different things...

I'd love to do a rookie yoga class. I think that would make a fun late-winter / early-spring activity. Unfortunately, I have commitments the nights they are offered through community ed. I'll have to research some studios (gyms? yurts? what are yoga joints called?) close to me. I know of several that I could hit right after work or on the way home, so maybe I'll just have to do that whole pack-the-workout-duds deal. Not the end of the world. OK, I'm gonna make this happen in the next couple of weeks. Less talk, and more Downward Dog.
Now playing: st etienne - you're in a bad way

2 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

Anonymous said...

Yoga is good for your mind body and soul, do it, you won't be disappointed.

Chris H. said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I'm in... I juggled some flexible weekday commitments, and I'm signed up for 2 consecutive 8-week classes starting at the end of Jan. I'm very excited!!!

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