Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Rant switch - ON

Escalator handrails that move faster or slower than the escalator stairs.

My last several shower-poofs-on-a-stick. Two weeks tops. Then they self-destruct mid-shower à la one of those prank snakes-in-a-can. Rotten luck with these things lately.

Folks on the Light Rail at rush hour who are either too 'cool' or too dim to simply hold on, and then bumble heavily into me or step on my feet (or more commonly, both) in their stupefied amazement that Newton's Laws of Motion apply even to them. And they're just as surprised again when it all repeats mere moments later. Oy.

In mid-brush, losing my grip on the Braun electric toothbrush, and then trying to grab the stupid slippery thing as it bounces around and vibrates toothpaste spatter all over the place. Among other times, this will inevitably occur the evening of the day I clean my bathroom.

Rant switch - OFF
Now playing: the white stripes - seven nation army

2 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

Anonymous said...

The White Stripes RCOK, sweet.

And as far as the tooth brush... ha, that's funny though I'm sure you don't think so, but try being a girl and accidentally losing grip of your curling iron after you have your hair all rolled up in it.... it's too painful, and you have to dodge the curling iron as it is coming down or you'll be burnt....

Chris H. said...

Yikes, that curling iron scenario adds a scary dimension to this bathroom-butterfingers matter! I'm glad that the only injury I risk is to my pride. Ya gotta be able to laugh about stuff like this though, or it'll just drive you nuts in the end. Heck, I'll get all fired up about dropping the toothbrush, and then (in the mirror), catch myself all scowling & cussing, and realize how stupid I look. Silly stuff, really. Fun to sport-bitch about, but nothing worth having a bad day over.

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