Sunday, January 13, 2008

Polite dinner conversation?

I've been asked when I'm going to start commenting on the Presidential campaigns.

I don't have any plans to.

Politics, along with sex and religion, aren't things I discuss with just anybody & everybody. It's a matter of opinion (of course), but I consider these three topics in particular to be rather personal, and I don't generally feel that my blog is an appropriate vehicle to push my viewpoints on said topics. Not that I don't have opinions, thoughts, and convictions on these things - I certainly do! I'm simply judicious about the "who, where, when" of such engagements ;)

On that theme, please don't confuse my often-discussed spirituality with religion. I want to be very careful not to imply an association between the AA 12-Step Program and any sort of organized religion - there is unequivocally ZERO mandated, implied, or otherwise connection between those two entities whatsoever. An old-timer AA once explained it this way: "Religion is for people who don't want to go to Hell. Spirituality is for those who don't want to return there."
Now playing: elvis vs jxl - a little less conversation

0 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

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