Sunday, January 6, 2008


Shorts and flip-flops today. Just because.
Now playing: echo and the bunnymen - people are strange

2 of y'all tellin' it like it is:

laura said...

Hey Chris,
It's sooo nice to hear from you. I'm gathering from your blog things have definitely changed since we've seen each other, and I'm thinking for the better. Congrats bud! Keep working. I'm trying to find a new place in this crazy world too. I'm starting classes the 14th, hopefully to help get in grad school. Where are you in Minnesota. My sister just moved to Minneapolis, and she's still shivering. Keep in touch, bud.
Take it easy,

Chris H. said...

Hey Laura!

How cool is this?!? Man, it is great to hear from you! When you get a sec, shoot me an email (there's a link to my gmail account in my profile), and I'll give you more of the scoop...

Oh, and I'm right in the Twin Cities metro area. I hope your sis hasn't been scared off yet - it's been a crazy cold winter overall... I'm just about ready for spring!

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